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Scientist Training in Rheumatology Research Mentorship

Our 22 program faculty mentors have established extensive collaborations with research units nationally and internationally to effectively study rheumatic disease mechanisms and improve disease management. Leveraging these historical strengths, our program provides an outstanding environment for research training spanning basic, translational, and clinical research.

For More Information
Program Overview

Each trainee will select a primary mentor from one of the four scientific themes based on their scientific and career goals. In most cases, one or two co-mentors will be involved in a team-based research project. In addition, each trainee is assigned a committee comprised of two-three faculty members who are not involved in the day-to-day aspects of the trainee’s research. The committee will perform semi-annual reviews of the trainee's progress, which will be provided to the leadership team. The committee will also review the trainee’s individual development plan to discuss career advancement, additional networking opportunities, and additional training needed to meet the trainee’s goals.

Mentors by Scientific Theme