Exposure to primary care is an essential component of our educational program that is relevant to all residents whether they ultimately pursue careers in Primary Care, Hospital Medicine, or subspecialty practice.
Experiences in our Med-Peds clinics provide opportunities to not only learn outstanding clinical care, but also develop an understanding of local and community resources to promote the health of our patients more broadly.
Distinct from our robust continuity clinic experiences, our residents participate in Med-Peds ambulatory rotations to complement the ambulatory experiences offered in Internal Medicine and Pediatrics. These unique rotations consist of experiences identified by our residents and faculty as essential to the practice of Med-Peds, irrespective of field of practice. During these rotations, residents also spend additional time in their assigned continuity clinic continuing to hone their clinical skills, understanding of clinic flow, and management of patients with multidisciplinary clinical services. Our residents are scheduled for four full Med-Peds ambulatory blocks throughout residency training.
Our curriculum is intentionally flexible so our residents can tailor ambulatory experiences to achieve their longer-term career goals. To further support the integration of Internal Medicine and Pediatrics in clinical practice, we also offer combined elective experiences in rheumatology, gastroenterology, sports medicine, and allergy/immunology. In addition, through collaboration with sites outside of the University of Michigan Health System, there are also several opportunities to work with underserved populations and the community, including experiences with school-based clinics, the U-M Student Run Free Clinic, HOPE Clinic (a community-based clinic for the uninsured), Corner Clinic (teen clinic), and summer migrant farm workers’ clinic.
Our Med-Peds residents also have multiple ambulatory experiences through Internal Medicine and Pediatrics. Within these rotations, our residents will spend additional time in their dedicated Med-Peds continuity clinic.
PGY-1 Intern Year
Med-Peds Ambulatory I: Primary Care
Immersion in assigned continuity clinic with additional weekly clinics
Dedicated time at Corner Health Clinic in Ypsilanti serving newborns to young adults
Experiences with clinical services including medical assistants, LPNs, social work, and pharmacist
PGY-2 Year
Med-Peds Ambulatory II: Musculoskeletal Medicine
Experiences in Sports Medicine clinics with our two Sports Medicine trained Med-Peds physicians, as well as Pediatric Sports Medicine and Orthopedics
Sessions working with physical therapy
Shadowing of sports event coverage
Additional Continuity Clinics
Med-Peds PCH: Community Health
Dedicated time at Neighborhood Family Health Center providing primary care in an underserved community, and working with refugee families
Outreach experiences focusing on pediatric community resources such as HeadStart, Early On, Car Seat Fitting, Lactation clinic, Dental clinic, Food Gatherers (local food bank), WIC
Pediatric Advocacy – this block offers opportunities for involvement with legislative advocacy
Additional Continuity Clinics
PGY-3 Year
Med-Peds Ambulatory III: Health Disparities
Dedicated clinic time at various clinics serving underserved and vulnerable populations, including Hamilton Community Health Network in Flint
Dedicated time at HOPE Clinic in Ypsilanti
Additional Continuity Clinics
PGY-4 Year
Opportunities for individualized rotations focusing on identified specific area of interest and additional continuity clinics. Options for away/international rotations are diverse and can be scheduled during elective months during 3rd and 4th years
Our residents attend continuity clinic at least one-half day per week, with additional weekly clinics possible during certain rotations. As part of their continuity clinic experience, residents build their own patient panels, which allows for independence and continuity of care. Residents are exposed to a variety of patient visits including preventive care, well-child exams, acute sick visits, and management of chronic illness in medically complex adults and children. Our practices serve our local communities to provide care for patients from a diverse array of socio-economic, racial, and cultural backgrounds.
We have three distinct Med-Peds clinic sites in the community, located offsite from our main medical campus. Each site is a fully integrated Med-Peds practice, staffed by Med-Peds trained faculty. Our clinic sites have additional support staff and programs, including nutrition, social work, pharmacist, care management, and behavioral health. We focus on a multidisciplinary approach to provide the best care to our patients and our residents have opportunities to work with these services throughout their training.
Expand your career trajectory in a high-volume academic medical center that also supports and excels in a wide range of basic science, translational and clinic outcomes research programs.