Diverse Doctorates
In the Michigan MSTP, fellows can earn their PhD in almost any field that is relevant to medicine. Our fellows typically select their PhD program after completing two to three research rotations, before graduate school begins.
While the most common PhD field is Cellular & Molecular Biology, there have been more than 20 PhD programs represented over the past three years. In addition to PhD programs in the traditional biomedical sciences, our students are pursuing PhDs in many non-traditional fields, including Anthropology, Biomedical Engineering, Biostatistics, Computer Science & Engineering, Economics, Environmental Health Sciences, Epidemiology, Health Services Organization and Policy, History, Mechanical Engineering, Philosophy, and Psychology.

Interested in a non-traditional MD/PhD degree? It's a road far less traveled, but some Medical Scientist Training Program students find a perfect match outside the biomedical box with social sciences and humanities instead.