Gastroenterology & Hepatology Patient Care
A doctor in a patient room

Quality Care Across Communities

Cutting-edge therapeutics for all forms of digestive and liver diseases at clinics throughout Michigan

We provide the highest quality of care and offer the most cutting-edge therapeutics available. Our faculty are also leaders in their respective areas of research, conducting and participating in many pharmaceutical clinical investigations. The innovative research conducted by our physicians and faculty has paved the way for more effective methods of prevention, diagnosis and treatment of gastrointestinal diseases.

The Department of Gastroenterology & Hepatology physicians, along with GI radiologists, surgeons, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, nurses and dietitians, provide care for all forms of digestive and liver diseases at numerous clinics in Ann Arbor, surrounding communities and the state of Michigan. In addition, we have several specialty, multidisciplinary programs including the Comprehensive Pancreas Program, Esophageal Disorders Program, Functional Bowel Disorders Program, Hepatology Program, IBD Program, Interventional Endoscopy Program and Michigan Bowel Control Program.

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Gastrointestinal Care at U-M Health

We are home to one of the largest digestive health and liver disease programs in the country. Our highly-trained specialists are dedicated to innovative and effective treatments for every single patient. Find the treatment that's right for you.

Gastroenterology Services
Featured News & Stories See all news shot in arm patient rolled up sleeve
Health Lab
Why anti-TNF drugs don’t work for some kids with Crohn's disease
Research from Michigan Medicine investigated possible genetic factors for drug efficacy for children with Crohn’s disease. 
Elliot Tapper
Department News
Internal Medicine Faculty Spotlight − Dr. Elliot Tapper
Elliott Tapper, MD, FASSLD is an Associate Professor of Internal Medicine and Academic Chief of Hepatology in the Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology.
Dr. Stidham in AGA News
Department News
How AI can help physicians: Dr. Stidham's interview in the American Gastroenterological Association News
Dr. Stidham's interview in AGA "GI Docs will need to forge a 'Human-Computer Cooperative'"
syringes three in a row with one with a shot going into it on a light teal background
Health Lab
TNF inhibitors prevent complications in kids with Crohn’s disease, recommended as first-line therapies
Early treatment of pediatric Crohn’s disease with anti-tumor necrosis factor medications can substantially reduce the risk of perianal fistulas in Crohn’s disease. Michigan Medicine researchers confirmed this finding using prospective data. 
man in pink shirt close up with hand on stomach
Health Lab
Potential culprit identified in lingering Crohn’s disease symptoms
A study from University of Michigan researchers may explain why some patients with Crohn’s disease continue to experience symptoms, even in the absence of inflammation.
Clarivate’s Highly Cited Researchers 2024
Department News
Internal Medicine Faculty Named to Clarivate’s Highly Cited Researchers List
Nine faculty members from the Department of Internal Medicine named to Clarivate’s Highly Cited Researchers 2024 List.