Supporting Our Students
Career development spans all four years of med school. Our program helps you get started early so you can achieve the residency position you want.
Students can go to their Office of Medical Student Education counselors, faculty advisors and the Assistant Dean for Student Affairs for advice and support anytime. Career development is an active process that spans all four years of med school. Our program helps you get started early so you can be on track to achieve the residency position you want in your desired specialty.
Scientific and Clinical Trunks
Self-assessment and career exploration are essential first steps.
Recommendations include:
Making a career development counseling appointment with your Student Affairs Counselor/Advisor
Reviewing the AAMC Careers in Medicine website, including the self-assessment tools
Attending sessions in the Career Exploration Series, which introduce M1 students to medical disciplines. You’ll hear talks and participate in a Q&A with department chairs, faculty and resident physicians
Arranging a mentoring or shadowing experience with clinical faculty
Looking for a medical student interest group in the areas you're interested in
Professional Development Branches
Focused structure of the Branches and Faculty Career Advisors guide you through to your final career decision and residency application process.
Recommendations include:
Meeting your Faculty Career Advisor midway through the Clinical Trunk
Gathering letters of recommendation
Working with OSME for logistical support through the residency application and Match process
Attending advice sessions on the residency match process, including preparation of personal statements, mock interview practice with faculty and creating your residency rank list
Match Day
Our students start preparing for residency match during the professional development Branches. By this time they've learned all their foundational clinical material and have rotated through all of the core specialties. Since our Branches start in the fall of the third year of medical school, students have opportunities for career exploration significantly earlier than our peer institutions.
The professional development Branches provide advanced clinical experiences, 150+ electives and individualized learning plans so you will be well prepared to enter your chosen specialty on day one of residency. See more on Match Day.