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Apply to Postdoctoral Training Program in Basic Diabetes Research

The U-M Medical School Department of Internal Medicine NIH-sponsored Multidisciplinary Postdoctoral Training Program in Basic Diabetes Research is seeking well-qualified candidates to join our team of postdoctoral fellows in diabetes research. Successful candidates will work closely with our interdisciplinary team of researchers to investigate the pathogenesis of diabetes and pursue training in diverse aspects of diabetes research.

For More Information
How to Apply

Internal U-M candidates: To apply, please find the complete application materials. Briefly, please submit a cover letter, CV, research proposal, names of three references, and contact information to Program Coordinator Emily Fullerton.

We also welcome applications from candidates not currently at the University of Michigan. Please contact Emily Fullerton or Dr. Ormond MacDougald to match with our faculty. In this case, we will accept your application without the research proposal.

  • U.S. citizen or permanent resident
  • Have a PhD at the start date in a related field such as biochemistry, molecular biology, genetics, or physiology, and a desire for a career in diabetes research
  • Relevant laboratory experience such as PCR, western blotting, cell culture, animal experimentation, and single-cell analyses
  • Proficiency in statistical analysis
  • Ability to work independently and collaboratively with a diverse team
  • Excellent communication and writing skills
Travel Funds

The Medical School’s Office for Health Equity and Inclusion (OHEI) has made available funds for eligible candidates to travel to Ann Arbor to interview with mentors and labs and visit our beautiful campus. Please inquire to determine if you are eligible for travel funds before making plans. Funding inquiries can be sent to Emily Fullerton.

Financial Support

Postdoctoral fellows receive support that includes benefits and NIH scale stipend. For more information please visit Benefits for Postdoctoral Research Fellows. Please note that this federally funded award mandates a Payback Agreement for Postdoctoral Trainees. Please see more information on NIH’s Payback Service Awards Payback Agreements here.

I joined the T32 in August of 2018, a few months after starting as a Michigan postdoc. By joining this T32, I was able to meet other postdocs and form new friendships with others who were in a similar stage of their career. The annual T32 symposium was a great opportunity to share my research and learn about what others were doing and how our interests overlap. Under this funding, I was able to collaborate both within my lab and with neighboring labs at Michigan, resulting in 2 recent publications. This T32 also helped me to achieve my goal of successfully obtaining a F32 fellowship from the NIH.

Past Trainee