Allergy & Clinical Immunology -
Cardiovascular Medicine -
Gastroenterology & Hepatology -
General Medicine -
Genetic Medicine -
Geriatric & Palliative Medicine -
Hematology & Oncology -
Hospital Medicine -
Infectious Diseases -
Metabolism, Endocrinology & Diabetes -
Nephrology -
Pulmonary & Critical Care Medicine -
Whether we are caring for our patients, conducting research, or educating medical students, residents, and fellows, our number one priority is to advance the understanding and prevention of cardiovascular disease.
The U-M Medical School Department of Internal Medicine Division of Cardiology faculty and staff treat patients at Frankel Cardiovascular Center. The center is one of the largest facilities in the heart of the university's medical campus. It is in this 350,000 square-foot, multidisciplinary facility that we can fulfill our vision of being the best academic heart and vascular center in the world.
The facility includes a 24-bed surgical post-procedure ICU, 24 vascular general/moderate care beds, nine cardiac procedure rooms, four cardiac surgery operating rooms, two vascular surgery operating rooms, two general thoracic operating rooms, two endovascular procedure labs and 36 clinic exam rooms.
It is our duty to pass the torch of knowledge on to the next generation and also to share with healthcare professionals around the world what we have learned in the clinic and research lab to further the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease.
Our Fellowship and Training Programs offer comprehensive educational curriculum designed to train future leaders in the field of cardiovascular disease. In addition, we offer a variety of continuing medical education courses and seminars taught by our faculty.
Our faculty have made groundbreaking contributions to the prevention and treatment of heart disease. Our research efforts span a broad spectrum of basic, translational and clinical research activities.
Basic and Translational Research
Our strengths in basic and translational research include:
- Arrhythmia
- Cardiac Myocyte Biology
- Cardiovascular Biomechanics
- Cardiovascular Genetics
- Tissue and Cell Regeneration
- Vascular and Thrombosis Biology
Clinical Research
We are actively involved in clinical research. New medications, devices, surgical procedures, diagnostic tools and prevention strategies need thorough testing before they can become part of routine patient care. We are involved in numerous clinical trials that span our clinical areas.
Interim Section Head, Division of Cardiovascular Medicine
Collegiate Professor of Cardiovascular Medicine
Professor of Internal Medicine
Medical Director
Cardiology Transplant
Clinical Professor of Internal Medicine
MPLAN Director
Cardiac Cath and Medical Director
Structural Heart Disease Program
Professor of Internal Medicine
Medical Director
Patient Facilitated Services
Program Director
co-Director Frankel Cardiovascular Center
Professor of Health Management and Policy
Medical Director of Domino's Farms Anti-Coagulation Clinic
Associate Chair, Department of Internal Medicine
Professor of Internal Medicine
Chief Medical Officer
Associate Chief Clinical Officer and Professor of Internal Medicine
Professor of Internal Medicine and Medical Director
Cardiac Procedure Unit
Our division is comprised of more than 120 faculty and 34 fellows dedicated to treating, preventing, and understanding rare and complex heart conditions.
Patient Inquiries
- For our clinic information, specialty clinics, procedure information and more, please visit the Frankel Cardiovascular Center website.
- Michigan Medicine Patient and Visitor Guide
Referring Physician Inquiries
2139 Cardiovascular Center
Ann Arbor, MI 48109
Non-patient related email only
Resources and information for current Cardiovascular Medicine faculty, staff and learners.