At the University of Michigan Medical School Department of Internal Medicine, we have a long history of outstanding clinical and health services research. Discover some of the clinical and health services research currently underway.
The Department of Internal Medicine has a sizable and accomplished history in clinical research and health services research. Supported by the University of Michigan Medical School Office of Research and their Clinical Trails Support Office, our clinical trialists work to identify effective disease interventions, and our outcomes researchers examine them in clinical practice.
With our clinical and health services researchers working together, we can better address pressing health care challenges and provide meaningful findings that can reshape the clinical care of our patients.
The Department of Internal Medicine’s Early Career Faculty/Investigator Forum is an interactive tool designed to increase awareness about a broad range of science discoveries within our department and institution that could be relevant to young investigators, facilitate connecting with other faculty and scientists with complementary interests, help to direct questions or concerns related to clinical translational research, and provide an easier access/link to the rest of the available resources related to clinical research.
The ultimate goals are to help early career faculty/investigators build a successful research program, advance collaborative team science efforts across our department and institution that will bring to trial new molecules pathways that are being identified by our basic scientists and enhance our department leadership in clinical research nationwide.
The Clinical Trials Academy, offered jointly by the Department of Internal Medicine and the Medical School, is a hands-on training program in clinical research and clinical trial design.
Michigan Medicine's clinical research infrastructure is strong and is focused on six key strategies:
- Foster a culture that values, rewards, and supports clinical trial activities.
- Develop a coordinated, sustainable infrastructure that supports operational excellence throughout the life cycle of clinical trials.
- Develop a highly trained, innovative, and skilled workforce, including those who initiate and those who conduct clinical trials.
- Translate Michigan Medicine discoveries into clinical trials.
- Fully integrate the clinical trials enterprise and the clinical care delivery system.
- Demonstrate the value of clinical trials to patients, families, and society.
Our campus offers an abundance of facilities designed to support research and innovation. Our spaces are dedicated to academic excellence, biomedical research, and clinical healthcare. Collectively, our facilities exemplify Michigan Medicine's mission of advancing healthcare to serve Michigan and the world at large.

Expand your career trajectory in a high-volume academic medical center that also supports and excels in a wide range of basic science, translational and clinical research programs.

Scholarship and discovery are essential components of academic medical leadership. To complement our clinical experiences, each resident has the opportunity to complete a research project during their training.