Allergy & Clinical Immunology -
Cardiovascular Medicine -
Gastroenterology & Hepatology -
General Medicine -
Genetic Medicine -
Geriatric & Palliative Medicine -
Hematology & Oncology -
Hospital Medicine -
Infectious Diseases -
Metabolism, Endocrinology & Diabetes -
Nephrology -
Pulmonary & Critical Care Medicine -

The U-M Medical School Department of Internal Medicine Division of Hematology and Oncology is the largest subspecialty unit in the department. Division faculty, students and laboratory personnel occupy more than 38,000 square feet of space in several locations within the University of Michigan Medical School campus.
We care for patients with benign and malignant disorders of the blood and lymphatic organs, as well as for patients with most types of solid tumor malignancies. We have dedicated coagulation, hemophilia and thrombosis clinics, plus multiple experts in myeloproliferative disorders. In addition, we have numerous state-of-the-art specialty clinics and programs at the Rogel Cancer Center to evaluate, diagnose, treat, and manage cancer and hematologic disorders, along with several support programs for patients and their families.
Our Hematology/Oncology Fellowship Training Program combines well-rounded clinical training with the opportunity to work with world-class investigators in a collegial environment. Additionally, many of our faculty are involved in the education of students interested in scientific research careers through a number of different programs, and also establish both formal and informal mentorship relationships with undergraduate, graduate, and post-doctoral students.
We pride ourselves on being on the leading edge of research, and are dedicated to providing our patients with the very best care and treatment. Our faculty are involved in bench to bedside research, from basic laboratory experiments to conducting experimental clinical treatments, with the goal of providing better treatment options for patients with cancer and hematologic disorders. Our division has been extremely successful in obtaining awards and grants to support our research interests.

Professor of Internal Medicine
Associate Division Chief for Clinical Research
Section Head and Assistant Director for Training, Education and Career Development (TECD) in Cancer Center

Service Chief, Internal Medicine

Associate Division Chief for Faculty Development & Education

Associate Professor of Internal Medicine
Associate Professor of Cell and Developmental Biology
Associate Professor of Hematology/Oncology

Professor of Internal Medicine

Professor of Internal Medicine
Associate Division Chief, Basic Research
Professor of Biomedical Engineering

Professor of Internal Medicine

Service Chief, Internal Medicine

Associate Professor of Cell and Developmental Biology

Medical Director
Adult Bone Marrow Transplant

Service Chief, Hematology/Oncology
Associate Medical Director

The Division of Hematology and Oncology is the largest subspecialty unit in the Department of Internal Medicine, and welcomes eligible applicants to join our fantastic team.
Patient Inquiries
- For our clinic information, specialty clinics and programs, procedure information and more, please visit the U-M Rogel Cancer Center.
- Cancer AnswerLine: (800) 865-1125 or [email protected]
- Michigan Medicine Patient and Visitor Guide
Referring Physician Inquiries
1500 E. Medical Center Drive
Cancer Center, Room 7216
Ann Arbor, MI 48109
Resources and information for current Hematology & Oncology faculty, staff and learners.