people listen to woman a while viewing content from obgyn posters from research day
RJ Med Ed

RJ Med Ed is an ongoing, multidisciplinary collaboration, dedicated to designing and implementing a Reproductive Justice curriculum at all levels of medical education.

Recognizing a gap in physician training, we aim to incorporate a historical background on reproductive injustices into existing curricula and develop learning tools and exercises that better prepare and empower physicians to change the future of care for the better.


The RJ Med Ed project was initiated in 2016 through a Society in Family Planning Fellowship Project. We formed an advisory board of activists, advocates, scholars, and experts in reproductive justice and identified learning outcomes for a reproductive justice physician curriculum. Additionally, we gathered a small group of advocates and educators to discuss pedagogical values.

Currently, our team is collaborating with reproductive justice advocates to create a reproductive justice physician curriculum aligned with these learning outcomes and pedagogical values. The curriculum consists of 11 modules covering a wide variety of reproductive justice and healthcare topics. We've identified recommended readings, sample didactics, and educational videos featuring RJ advocates to enhance physician learning for each topic.

Interested in joining our team?

Our team is always interested in growing our network of educators and activists who want to transform medical education.

Reproductive Justice Physician Curriculum
Melissa and patient Nicole lay on patient table

Introduction to Reproductive Justice

Defining reproductive justice and how to apply a reproductive justice framework to healthcare.

  • Recommended Readings
  • Video: Reproductive Justice and Physician Responsibility
  • woman views obgyn content poster on research day

    Historical Injustices

    Understanding examples of reproductive injustice in U.S. history, how they have led to mistrust in healthcare, and impact how we provide reproductive healthcare.

  • Recommended Readings
  • Video: Mistrust and Supporting Communities
  •  audience listens during OBGYN Professorship and Endowment Lecture.

    Oppression, Power, and Bias Training

    Evaluating one’s own biases, consider oppressive forces and how to shift power differentials.

  • Recommended Readings
  • Video: Considering Implicit Bias
  • Video: How Care is Related to Systemic Oppression
  •  woman gives speech at podium for obgyn research day

    Contemporary Law and Policy

    Analyzing current policies affecting reproductive health.

  • Recommended Readings
  • Video: Intro to Disability Justice
  • Videos: Prison Doula Initiative
  •  zoomed in view of ultrasound board

    Access, Disparities, and Structural Competency

    Evaluating how social, economic, political, and cultural factors impact reproductive health.

  • Recommended Readings
  • Video: Reproductive Justice and Health Disparities
  •  Dr. Hammoud and resident talk to patient

    Cultural Safety

    Considering how cultural beliefs impact patient care and how to create safety in the patient-provider encounter.

  • Recommended Readings
  • Educational Videos
  • two doctors talk in hallway with file open

    LGBTQI Healthcare

    Defining gender and sexual identity and understanding the principles of gender-affirming care.

  • Recommended Readings
  • Transgender Healthcare Curriculum
  • nurses gather round to practice holding techniques for a baby

    Approaches to Reproductive Healthcare

    Applying different approaches to care in reproductive health.

  • Recommended Readings
  • cam group meeting discussion in circle


    Integrating advocacy skills into reproductive healthcare.

  • Recommended Readings
  • Video: Reproductive Justice and Advocacy
  • Our Research

    Our team continues to investigate how reproductive justice-related topics are integrated into health professional education and care provision.

    • Ob/Gyn Resident Experiences with Reproductive Injustices: We surveyed ob/gyn residents to inquire about their observations of reproductive injustice during residency training.
    • Medical Students' Experiences with Disparities, Injustice, and Ethical Concerns: We are surveying medical students about their experiences during their clerkship and performing a qualitative analysis of essays written about an ethical concern.
    • Patient Experiences with Clinical Care: We are surveying patients to assess satisfaction with access and delivery of healthcare services to ensure that our clinics are accessible, culturally respectful, and support diverse patient needs.
    RJ Med Student Elective (Virtual)

    We are excited to offer a virtual elective "Reproductive autonomy, health disparities, and justice" to M3 and M4 medical students. Students will learn from healthcare providers and advocates and engage in advocacy skill-building, and self-reflection while gaining knowledge about RJ topics.

    We invite students who are passionately interested in developing and deepening their knowledge and skills in abortion care, family planning, and reproductive justice.

    Learn more
    Project Leadership
    labcoat Charisse Loder, MD, MSc
    Clinical Associate Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology
    user Tammy Moorey
    Administrative Contact
    Maya M. Hammoud Maya Hammoud, MD, MBA
    J Robert Willson Research Professor
    Associate Chair
    Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
    Clinical Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology
    Clinical Professor of Learning Health Sciences
    Program Director and Section Head
    Women's Health
    Becky Hovatter Becky Hovatter
    Program Manager