Two girls in g]lab working on project together
Surgery Innovation Initiatives

The Michigan Promise includes specific strategies to enhance the role of innovation and entrepreneurship in academic life.

At Michigan Medicine, we expect our surgeons to not only operate but also shape the field of surgery. Supporting innovation allows our faculty to become leaders in developing technology that will change how we operate and care for patients. Our goal is to create transformative innovations that will advance the field of surgery to improve patient care.

For More Information
Directed Sabbatical Time

The goal of the Directed Sabbatical Time is to enable faculty to devote focused time away from the daily operational tasks of clinical surgery in the pursuit of professional improvement and productive scholarship. Directed Sabbatical Time occurs away from standard teaching, administrative and clinical duties to pursue a professional interest best accomplished through a dedicated period of full immersion.

Once faculty members have completed the 8-week program, they will present the results of their directed sabbatical time to their fellow Department of Surgery faculty members.

Beginning in their 3rd year of appointment at the Department of Surgery, faculty members across all tracks and levels are eligible to be nominated by their section for this program.

Center for Surgical Innovation

The Department of Surgery's Center for Surgical Innovation core offers a hub of innovation development opportunities for trainees and faculty members throughout their careers.

Learn about the Hub