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Global REACH: Josip Matovinovic Endowed Clinical Medicine Fellowship

The Josip Matovinovic Endowed Clinical Medicine Fellowship supports UMMS faculty members in hosting an international visiting scholar for the purpose of providing in-depth training opportunities that advance the scholar's academic interests and capabilities.

Generous donor support provides funding to enable a one-year experience on the U-M campus with access to University resources and training opportunities, observation of clinical settings and practices, and integration into a community of practice of scholars working to improve health globally. A secondary aim to is to foster  and cultivate collaborative relationships that support long-term international research and educational partnerships.

How to Apply

The opportunity to host a Matovinovic Fellow is only open to faculty members who are Global REACH Faculty Associates.  Visiting Scholars who are hosted as a Matovinovic Fellow must have completed their medical degree, and must be coming from a comparatively low-resource international setting.  Preference will be given to scholars coming from Eastern Europe, particularly Croatia, but applicants from all locations will be considered.  Additionally, per U-M standard practice, Visiting Scholars must hold permanent position at another accredited university, college or research organization to which they will return after the fellowship. It is expected that most scholars will be on the U-M campus for one year, but requests for a longer or shorter experience may be considered.

Faculty members who are not yet a Global REACH Faculty Associate may become an associate by completing the application form.

Applications should be limited to 5 pages and should be submitted as a single PDF document to Tania Piotrowski. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis, and should address the following:

Details regarding the Fellowship candidate:

  1. Who is the candidate, and at what institution is he/she appointed?
  2. Briefly describe the candidate’s background and experience and explain why this individual would be a good candidate for this Fellowship.
  3. What goals does the candidate have for this Fellowship experience? What research/scholarly skills does he/she hope to develop (or gaps does he/she aim to address) through this experience?

Details regarding the collaborative relationship:

  1. What is the relationship between the candidate and the hosting UMMS faculty member
  2. How long has this relationship existed and how did it start? Has any academic/scholarly collaborative work been accomplished via this relationship already?
  3. How would the Fellowship year advantage the UMMS faculty member?

Briefly outline a plan of activities for the Fellowship and describe how these activities align with the candidate’s goals.

What metrics would you use to measure the success of this Fellowship experience?

Describe any other resources available (if any) to support this Fellowship experience.

CV and letter of interest from the candidate (not included in the 5-page limit).

Proposals will be reviewed by the Global REACH leadership team with preference for the following:

  • Some preference will be given to candidates from Eastern Europe, but applicants from all locations will be considered. 
  • Preference will also be given to proposals with a strong potential for sustained collaborative relationships at the conclusion of the Fellowship.
Programmatic Features

Matovinovic Fellows will be positioned within the U-M Medical School as visiting scholars to be hosted within clinical or basic science departments. The majority of this fellowship focuses on a scholarly project that is defined by the UMMS faculty mentor and the scholar.  In addition, the scholar’s experience will be enhanced by exposure to other aspects of our learning and practice environment (e.g., seminars, lectures, clinical observation when appropriate, etc).  In addition, scholars are encouraged to participate in learning opportunities around global engagement and collaboration within the medical school through Global REACH as well as across the broader University through the U-M Center for Global Health Equity.

Funding Information

A monthly stipend of $3,000 will be provided to the scholar to support living expenses (housing, meals, transportation, etc).  In addition, health insurance for the scholar will be provided (purchased through the International Center; coverage for dependents will be the responsibility of the scholar).  J1 visa application fees will be covered for the scholar.  A Michigan Medicine-owned and managed laptop computer will be provided, and a $2,000 research fund will be established to support the scholar’s training and research needs.

At the end of the funding period, scholars will be asked to deliver a presentation to our University of Michigan global health community of practice describing gains made during the Fellowship experience in terms of development of research acumen, research milestones achieved, status of collaborative relationships developed, and future aspirations that the Fellowship has launched or enabled.

About Professor Matovinovic
Profile photo of Professor Matovinovic

A world-renowned physician and researcher with a particular interest the treatment of thyroid diseases, Josip Matovinovic is considered the father of modern Croatian endocrinology. Born in 1914 in Ličko Cerje, Professor Matovinovic was the author of the first regulations mandating salt iodination in Croatia in the early 1950s to tremendous public benefit. He moved to the United States in 1956, spending three years at Harvard University before coming to the University of Michigan. He retired from U-M in 1985 and remained in Ann Arbor until his death in 1998.

He and his wife Natalie were lifelong supporters of their communities – both at U-M and in their native Croatia. Global REACH is honored to facilitate this clinical fellowship in his name.