Doctor shows resident things to look at on the screen within the sleep movement disorder unit
Neurology Medical Student Programs

The neurology clerkship at the University of Michigan Medical School is a required four-week experience in the second year. 

The goal is to teach students the principles and skills underlying the recognition and management of the neurological diseases that a general medical practitioner is most likely to encounter in practice. Further discussion of the core curriculum for the neurology clerkship is available at the American Academy of Neurology website.

For More Information
Goals of the Program


  • Recognition of which symptoms and signs suggest neurologic disease
  • Ability to localize the region(s) in the nervous system where malfunction could produce a given constellation of symptoms and signs
  • Ability to generate a differential diagnosis for a given constellation of symptoms and signs
  • Ability to decide which diagnostic tests will narrow the differential
  • Familiarity with clinical features of the most commonly encountered neurologic conditions: cerebrovascular disease, seizures, headaches, back pain, incontinence, visual symptoms, disequilibrium, dementia, movement disorders, neuromuscular disease and acute mental status changes


  • Ability to elicit historical information relevant to a patient’s symptoms to identify and characterize neurologic disease
  • Ability to perform a neurologic examination and to identify significant abnormalities
  • Ability to deliver a concise, logically organized and complete presentation (both oral and written) of a patient’s history and physical, with a discussion of localization, differential diagnosis, diagnostic plan and treatment plan


Learn to perform a lumbar puncture and interpret the results. Note: The ability to interpret lumbar puncture results is a primary goal of the clerkship. The ability to perform a lumbar puncture is a secondary goal, to be accomplished if possible, but it is not a requirement.

Branches Electives

The M3 and M4 year, collectively known as the Branches, will prepare you for residency and continue you on the path to being a physician making meaningful impact in your area of interest.

The electives we offer in the Department of Neurology prepare medical students for residency and a successful career in the field of Neurology.

Our medical students have access to a Canvas portal that provides detailed curriculum information that is customized by year.

  • NEUROL-6400 - Neurology Req Clerkship at UMH
  • NEUROL-8100 - Epilepsy Elective at UMH
  • NEUROL-8101 - Headache and Pain Management
  • NEUROL-8102 - Movement & Cognitive Disorders at UMH
  • NEUROL-8103 - Multiple Sclerosis/Neuroimmunology at UMH
  • NEUROL-8104 - Sleep Medicine at UMH
  • NEUROL-8105 - Crosby Apprenticeship Elective at UMH
  • NEUROL-8150 - Clinical Individually Arranged-2 Week at UMH
  • NEUROL-8155 - Clinical Pilot-2 week at UMH
  • NEUROL-8170 - Clinical Domestic Away-2 Week at DOMAWAY
  • NEUROL-8180 - Clinical International Away-2 Week at BRD
  • NEUROL-8200 - Consult Service at UMH
  • NEUROL-8250 - Clinical Individually Arranged-4 Week at UMH
  • NEUROL-8270 - Clinical Domestic Away-4 Week at DOMAWAY
  • NEUROL-8280 - Clinical International Away-4 Week at BRD
  • NEUROL-8350 - Nonclinical Individually Arranged-2 Week at UMH
  • NEUROL-8370 - Nonclinical Domestic Away-2 Week at DOMAWAY
  • NEUROL-8380 - Nonclinical International Away-2 Week at BRD
  • NEUROL-8440 - Clinical Research at UMH
  • NEUROL-8441 - General Research at UMH
  • NEUROL-8450 - Nonclinical Individually Arranged-4 Week at UMH
  • NEUROL-8470 - Nonclinical Domestic Away-4 Week at DOMAWAY
  • NEUROL-8480 - Nonclinical International Away-4 Week at BRD
Program Leadership
Douglas J. Gelb Douglas J Gelb
Clinical Professor of Neurology and Associate Chair for Education
Department of Neurology