The U-M Medical School Department of Anesthesiology is a renowned leader of research for a better understanding of the neuroscientific mechanisms of anesthesia affecting memory, awareness, consciousness and pain.
Clinical research investigations conducted in patients and volunteers is complemented by preclinical investigations in the laboratory aimed to translate findings to perioperative practice.
The teams involve physicians, physician scientists, basic researchers, educators, research specialists, laboratory staff, clinical study managers and coordinators, statisticians, and administrative staff. Anesthesiology faculty is also involved in medical school teaching, research training, mentoring, doctoral and master’s degree programs campus-wide, synergizing the powers of education, research and patient care.
Center for Consciousness Science
The Center for Consciousness Science (CCS), established in 2014, aims to advance multidisciplinary research, education, and clinical care as it relates to consciousness. This includes the initiation and support of collaborative scholarship across the medical school, outreach to relevant schools and centers at the University of Michigan and beyond, sponsorship of educational events as well as student involvement in the field, and application of novel techniques to clinical practice.
Advances in the science of consciousness performed in the Department of Anesthesiology and collaborating departments at the University of Michigan Medical School are recognized internationally by the medical and scientific community as well as the public. The center is directed by Anthony Hudetz, PhD, professor of anesthesiology.
Chronic Pain and Fatigue Research Center
The Chronic Pain and Fatigue Research Center (CPFRC) is a multidisciplinary center committed to improving the understanding and management of disorders distinguished by symptoms of chronic pain and fatigue. The group has been instrumental in establishing that the systemic conditions and regional pain syndromes such as fibromyalgia, interstitial cystitis, osteoarthritis, low back pain, and post-deployment syndromes all have common pathogenic and clinical features. The center is directed by Dan Clauw, MD, professor of anesthesiology.
Michigan Psychedelic Center
The Michigan Psychedelic Center (M-PsyC) launched at the University of Michigan in 2022 with a mission to advance multidisciplinary education, research, therapy, and community engagement related to psychedelics. It focuses on four areas: education, research, therapy, and community engagement as related to psychedelic drugs and the psychedelic experience. The center is directed by George Mashour, MD, PhD, chair of the Department of Anesthesiology.

Neuroscience Research
Center for Consciousness Science

Neuroscience Research

Program Director, Anesthesiology