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The Obstetric Anesthesiology Fellowship consists of one year of advanced clinical training in all aspects of Obstetric Anesthesia at University of Michigan Health’s Von Voigtlander Women's Hospital, a designated SOAP Center of Excellence.
Our program is dedicated to providing state-of-the-art clinical training and expertise in labor analgesia, anesthesia for deliveries and management of high-risk patients, as well as extensive research opportunities.
Our obstetric unit comprises a significant high-risk population of parturient women with obstetric disorders as well as cardiovascular, pulmonary, neurological and endocrine disorders. Currently, there are approximately 5,000 deliveries at Von Voigtlander Women’s Hospital.
The overall goal of the OA Fellowship Training Program is to develop consultants with expertise in providing anesthesia care for pregnant women and their fetuses in the antepartum and peripartum periods.
The program emphasizes close collaboration with obstetricians, perinatologists, neonatologists, pediatricians, cardiologists, hematologists, and intensivists to deliver the best possible care to women and their fetuses. Overall, the fellow will be expected to master the anesthetic management of not only cases routinely performed on a labor and delivery unit, but also:
- Cesarean or vaginal delivery of medically complex patients
- Cesarean hysterectomy and postpartum hemorrhage management
- Preoperative consultation of high-risk patients in preoperative anesthesia clinic, including cardio-obstetrics
- Fetal interventions, including EXIT and fetal myelomeningocele repairs
Applicants should apply through the San Francisco Match Central Application Service. Please visit the SF Match website for application information and deadlines.
The OA fellowship program consists of 12 months of clinical and didactic training. Fellows will be assigned flexible rotations in labor and delivery, where they will run the floor, supervising and directing anesthesia residents. Clinical training opportunities include:
- Obstetric Anesthesiology rotation (7 months)
- Neonatology rotation in level IV NICU (2 weeks)
- Maternal Fetal Medicine rotation (2 weeks)
- Anesthesia research during which a scholarly project, quality improvement project, patient safety project, and root-cause analysis will be developed and completed (3 months total)
- Fetal heart rate interpretation (on-line course and certification exam completed within first 3 months)
The University of Michigan offers highly competitive salaries and generous benefits to our fellows and advanced trainees. Trainee salary will be commensurate with that of a House Officer at an equivalent level of training based on the HOA contract.
Current fellows are receiving comprehensive, interdisciplinary and collaborative training to become consultants and practitioners in their field.
- To train future national leaders in clinical skills and research in obstetric anesthesiology
- To provide safe, compassionate, multidisciplinary care to complicated parturients
- To develop teamwork skills to optimize communication and situational awareness
- To attract diverse and inclusive fellowship candidates and faculty
- To educate fellows to a high-performing level of procedural skills, consultation, and professional development
- To develop expertise in care of complicated maternal cardiac parturients and other severe maternal morbidities
- To acquire competence in the multidisciplinary planning and anesthetic management of cesarean hysterectomy for placenta accreta spectrum
- To educate fellows regarding the impact socioeconomic disparity, diversity, equity, and inclusion have on patient health outcomes and care
I cannot even begin to imagine caring for patients without the expertise of our OB Anesthesia colleagues, who consistently demonstrate clinical excellence and purposeful collaboration and teamwork.

A comprehensive didactic program has been developed to assure adequate knowledge and cognitive skills pertaining to obstetric anesthesiology issues. Fellows will develop competency in their knowledge of multiple areas with specific emphasis on the anesthetic implications of the altered maternal physiologic state, the impact of interventions on the mother and fetus/neonate, and the care of the emergent and high-risk pregnant patient.
The didactic program includes:
- Weekly OB Anesthesiology fellow lectures/PBLDs
- Monthly Journal Club presentations
- Daily multidisciplinary patient rounds
- Daily resident didactics (fellow participates in teaching)
- Weekly departmental Morbidity and Mortality conference
Fellows also are responsible for daily hands-on teaching and supervision of residents in the operating room and on the labor floor. Fellows will also present faculty mentored formal lectures to the residents.
My experience as an obstetric anesthesia fellow at Michigan was rich with complex patient care and outstanding mentorship with access to world class research infrastructure and facilities. Michigan provides an incredible opportunity to learn from nationally recognized obstetric anesthesia experts to provide care for remarkable fetal procedures as well as delivery planning for high-risk obstetric and fetal conditions.

Fellows participate in three months of research in the Division of Obstetric Anesthesiology where they are expected to present at the Society of Obstetric Anesthesia and Perinatology's Annual Conference under the supervision of fellowship director, Joanna Kountanis, MD Assistance is made available from our research team and other faculty who are also available to mentor and support the development, execution, and publication of new research protocols.
It is the fundamental belief of our research team that every woman should expect a safe and comfortable delivery. Our goal is to promote an environment of inquiry and scholarship where knowledge may be developed to benefit pregnant women and their infants.
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Clinical Associate Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Program Associate, Anesthesiology
Assistant Medical Director, Anesthesiology