Lori Isom Pharmacology
Message from the Pharmacology Chair

Welcome to Michigan Pharmacology!

The University of Michigan Medical School Department of Pharmacology was the first pharmacology department in the nation. During its long and distinguished history, our Department has played a key role in the research training of diverse thought leaders in the pharmacological sciences and in doing so, have awarded more PhDs in Pharmacology than any other department.

For More Information

Doctoral training at Michigan Pharmacology offers both deep tradition and cutting edge science. The ~300 PhD alumni of Michigan Pharmacology include chairs of pharmacology departments, research program directors in academic institutions and the pharmaceutical industry, full professors of pharmacology in academic institutions, vice-presidents of pharmaceutical companies, and leaders at national agencies including NIH and the FDA. One alum served as a university president and several others have held positions as deans and associate deans at medical schools. Pharmacology alumni are pursuing active research careers in pharmacology at academic institutions, research institutions (including NIH, CDC, FDA), pharmaceutical companies, biotech firms, and start-up companies. Many of our graduates received combined MD/PhDs. We are fortunate that our diverse alumni base provides current trainees with critical mentorship, career advice, and networking opportunities through our alumni mentoring program.

Pharmacology faculty lead world-class, translational research programs in G-protein signaling, cancer pharmacology, neuroscience, addiction research, cardiovascular pharmacology, mental health disorders, epilepsy, protein folding disorders, RNA therapeutics, and diabetes. Joint faculty members, including physician-scientists from Michigan Medicine Clinical Departments and Centers, Michigan Drug Discovery, and the School of Public Health, provide invaluable research collaborations and training opportunities. The breadth and depth of our research and training missions are extraordinary. 

Pharmacology PhD students enter through the Program in Biomedical Sciences. The anchor of our PhD training is the NIH funded T32 Pharmacological Sciences Training Program (PSTP), a unique collaboration between the UM Medical School and the College of Pharmacy since 1978. The PSTP provides synergistic, translational education, research training, and career development to doctoral trainees, with the ultimate goal of preparing them to excel as leaders in the field of experimental therapeutics, both in the academy and in the private sector.

In addition, Pharmacology education includes a 1-year Master’s degree program with opportunities to transition to the PhD, undergraduate courses, and summer programs that focus on training underrepresented students.

Finally, Michigan Pharmacology is committed to increasing diversity, equity, and inclusion in the biomedical sciences. Our mission is to work tirelessly to create a supportive environment where all are welcome.

Come and join us!

Lori L. Isom, PhD
Maurice H. Seevers Professor and Chair of Pharmacology
Professor of Molecular and Integrative Physiology
Professor of Neurology

It’s an exciting time to be at Michigan Pharmacology! As I often say, Pharmacology was translational before translational was cool!

Maurice H. Seevers Professor and Chair of Pharmacology; Professor of Molecular and Integrative Physiology; Professor of Neurology