Associate Professor of Social Work, School of Social Work
Assistant Professor of Psychiatry
[email protected]
Available to mentor
Lindsay A Bornheimer
Assistant Professor
Center MemberEisenberg Family Depression Center
Bornheimer LA, Li Verdugo J, Humm L, Steacy C, Krasnick J, Goldstein Grumet J, Aikens JE, Gold KJ, Hiltz B, Smith MJ. Research on Social Work Practice, 2024 Feb 1; 34 (2): 182 - 193.Journal ArticleComputerized Suicide Prevention Clinical Training Simulations: A Pilot Study
DOI:10.1177/10497315231161563 -
Ewell Foster C, Derwin S, Bornheimer LA, Magness C, Kahsay E, Eis M, Verdugo JL, Smith T, Massey L, Rivara FP, King CA. Health Promot Pract, 2024 Jan; 25 (1): 33 - 48.Journal ArticleFirearm Safe Storage in Rural Families: Community Perspectives About Ownership and Safety Messaging.
DOI:10.1177/15248399231166418 PMID: 37148185 -
Acri M, Falek I, Hamovitch E, Gopalan G, Bornheimer L, McKay M. Fam Soc, 2023 Jun; 104 (2): 154 - 166.Journal ArticleAn Examination of the 4 Rs 2 Ss for Problem Behaviors: A Preventive Approach.
DOI:10.1177/10443894221133419 PMID: 37408541 -
Bornheimer LA, Verdugo JL, Krasnick J, Jeffers N, Storey F, King CA, Taylor SF, Florence T, Himle JA. Soc Work Ment Health, 2023 21 (5): 538 - 560.Journal ArticleA cognitive-behavioral suicide prevention treatment for adults with schizophrenia spectrum disorders in community mental health: Preliminary findings of an open pilot study.
DOI:10.1080/15332985.2023.2186736 PMID: 37727221 -
Bornheimer LA, Wastler H, Li Verdugo J, Im V, Burke H, Holzworth J, Velasquez E, Mahmood M. J Psychiatr Res, 2023 Jan; 157: 197 - 201.Journal ArticleDepression, suicide intent, and plan among adults presenting in an emergency department after making a suicide attempt: Exploratory differences by psychosis symptom experience.
DOI:10.1016/j.jpsychires.2022.11.033 PMID: 36481564 -
Smith MJ, Burke-Miller JK, Bornheimer LA, Ross B, Bell MD, McGurk SR, Mueser KT, Brown A, Prestipino J, Borghani N, Nelson K, Lieberman T, Pashka NJ, Razzano LA, Kallen MA. Front Psychiatry, 2023 14: 1150307Journal ArticlePsychometric properties of the mock interview rating scale for schizophrenia and other serious mental illnesses.
DOI:10.3389/fpsyt.2023.1150307 PMID: 37181877 -
Smith MJ, Van Ryzin M, Jordan N, Atkins M, Bornheimer LA, Sherwood K, Smith JD. Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals, 2023 Jan 1;Journal ArticleVirtual Job Interview Training: A Dose Response to Improve Employment for Transition-Age Youth With Disabilities
DOI:10.1177/21651434231160532 -
Bornheimer LA, Li Verdugo J, Thompson S. Soc Work Res, 2022 Dec; 46 (4): 332 - 341.Journal ArticleDepression Mediates the Relationships between Hallucinations, Delusions, and Social Isolation in First-Episode Psychosis.
DOI:10.1093/swr/svac025 PMID: 36420428