Department of Microbiology & Immunology
Unlock the Mysteries of the Microbial World

Bacteria, viruses, parasites and fungi are all organisms that can interact with the human body, making us either healthy or sick. Our research spans from the cell to the organ, to the body and to the global population, investigating and impacting the very foundations of human health.

three lab studnets in looking at data on a computer screen
Training the next generation of scientists

Here, graduate students and postdoctoral fellows work side-by-side with principal investigators, testing hypotheses of significant medical importance with the potential to translate into medical advancements. This groundbreaking laboratory training is supplemented with rigorous coursework, seminar series, journal clubs, and the presentation of research findings at national meetings.

Contact Us
Department of Microbiology & Immunology
5641 Medical Science II
1150 W. Medical Center Dr.
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-5632
Phone: +1 (734) 763-3531

The department strives to enrich the institution and the scientific community through our service. Read more about our tripartite mission.


Access our directory of department faculty and students.


Explore training opportunities including master’s and doctoral programs in Microbiology & Immunology.


View our full event calendar and seminar listings.


Learn more about our exploration of microbial pathogenesis, immune response and the development of vaccines.


Help us to develop the innovators, cures and technologies of tomorrow.

cover of M&I 2022-2023 higlights 2022-23 Annual Report

We are pleased to share with you our 2022–23 Report with a special featured story on the history of the early women in M&I at the University of Michigan.

  • Read Annual Report 2022-23
  • A. Oveta Fuller smiles outside A. Oveta Fuller Award

    The A. Oveta Fuller Award is a career development award for emerging leaders in the areas of microbiology and immunology, infectious disease, or health disparities whose goals and accomplishments benefit society in the spirit of Dr. A. Oveta Fuller.

  • Donate to the A. Oveta Fuller Fund
  • Apply for the A. Oveta Fuller Award

    We are a diverse group of scientists, united by a passion for discovery, leadership, service and the sharing of knowledge to address global microbiology and immunology challenges. Our DEI activities, events, trainings, community-building efforts and data collection are valuable additions to the University’s broader strategic DEI plan.

    Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
    Message from the Chair

    Our department's motto is that 'We are an inclusive community whose passion for discovery, service, leadership and sharing of knowledge addresses global microbiology and immunology challenges.'"

    Nancy Walls Professor of Microbiology and Immunology, Chair, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, and Professor of Internal Medicine
    Bethany Moore
    FEATURED NEWS & STORIES See all news Madison Fitzgerald, Ph.D., after her defense, holding the department's D# sign. Every M&I grad student signs it after defending. Left to right: Melanie Pearson, Madison Fitzgerald and Harry Mobley
    Department News
    Congratulations to Dr. Madison Fitzgerald for defending her thesis!
    On Monday, June 10, 2024, Madison Fitzgerald defended her thesis titled “Transcriptional Regulation of Proteus mirabilis Pathogenesis in Urinary Tract.”
    Headshot of Professor Harry Mobley, 2024
    Department News
    Harry L.T. Mobley, Ph.D.: 40 years of research and mentorship excellence
    Harry L.T. Mobley, Ph.D., retires after 40 years of research and mentorship excellence
    News Release
    Building a COMPASS to navigate future pandemics
    An $18 million National Science Foundation grant will establish a new center to bring computer science, infectious disease, engineering, and the arts together to predict and prevent global pandemics
    Headshot of Lavinia Unverborden, 2024 Novy Scholarship recipient
    Department News
    M&I Frederick G. Novy Endowed Scholarship goes to Lavinia Unverdorben!
    This endowed scholarship was created in 2017 by Lynn Kitabchi, in honor of her grandfather Frederick G. Novy, a world renowned bacteriologist. In 1902, Dr. Novy established the University of Michigan Department of Bacteriology, now the Department of Microbiology and Immunology. The intent for this scholarship is to provide need-based support to Ph.D. students in M&I.
    Casual portrait of Hargobinder Kaur, PhD
    Department News
    Hargobinder Kaur, Ph.D., was awarded the 2024 Dr. Marc Collett Endowed Fellowship for Discovery
    The Dr. Marc Collett Endowed Fellowship for Discovery provides stipend and research support to one outstanding postdoctoral fellow each year who is engaged in high-risk, high-reward research. This fellowship is intended to help launch the career of a postdoctoral fellow. Hargobinder Kaur, Ph.D., has been a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Carruthers lab since October 2022. Her research mainly focuses on understanding how the Toxoplasma gondii effectors exploits host membrane remodeling machinery during intracellular replication. She is particularly focusing on studying important parasitic-host protein-protein interactions both structurally and functionally by employing high-throughput proteomic and microscopy techniques.
    Left to right: Surbhi Gupta (University of Michigan), Laura Mike (University of Pittsburgh), Harry Mobley (University of Michigan), Melanie Pearson (University of Michigan), Chelsie Armbruster (SUNY Buffalo), and Allyson Shea (University of South Alabama)
    Department News
    Harry Mobley receives a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Urinary Tract Infection Global Alliance (UTIGA)
    Harry Mobley receives the Lifetime Achievement Award at the 5th Clinical and Scientific Advances in Urinary Tract Infections held July 19-21 in Columbus, Ohio
    women in lab examining sample jar, one woman points at the sample Advancing the field of M&I
    in Blue Ridge NIH rankings
    Faculty members
    in NIH funding
    Microbiology & Immunology Internal Website

    Resources and information for current learners and faculty.

    M&I Intranet