Showing 1186-1200 of 1910 results
Dose of Reality
Interprofessional Education: Learning How to Best Care for Patients with Others
As a high schooler, I was involved in a life-threatening motor vehicle crash. I had a team of a variety of health care professionals who brought my life back into this world and truly are the reason I...
boy holding book
Health Lab
New hope for patients with rare epilepsy
Thousands of children face seizures, developmental delays, and possible death from Dravet Syndrome. A new treatment built on Michigan Medicine research could help.
Department News
Dr. Erica Marsh named a University Diversity & Social Transformation Professor
Erica Marsh, MD, MSCI, FACOG, was named a University Diversity & Social Transformation Professor.
kid looking close to screen blinking bright green background
Health Lab
Protecting children’s eyes from screens, sun and sports 
National poll suggests many parents overlook simple steps to minimize children’s risk of eye injuries.
People in suits standing in a line holding lab coats
Points of Blue
Ahmad Hider, MPhil: Moving policy forward
M4 Grecia Quiroga is from Jackson, Michigan and graduated from the University of Michigan in 2018.
Health Lab Podcast in brackets with a background with a dark blue translucent layers over cells
Health Lab Podcast
Gen Z Wants to Talk About Social Determinants of Health With Their Providers
A poll shows strong support for clinics’ efforts to screen for, and providing support for, social determinants of health.
Health Lab Podcast in brackets with a background with a dark blue translucent layers over cells
Health Lab Podcast
Reducing Delayed Dispensing for Opioids
Hundreds of thousands of surgical and dental opioid prescriptions are filled a month or more after writing, but one state’s law helped reduce this “delayed dispensing”.
Doctor with head on desk in office lab coat hanging orange background
Health Lab
The history of physician burnout
A second-year medical student traces the origins of physician exhaustion and proposes several innovative solutions to the pervasive problem.
Health Lab Podcast in brackets with a background with a dark blue translucent layers over cells
Health Lab Podcast
Beyond Dry January
A psychiatrist discusses the barriers to seeking help for alcohol use disorder and how to overcome them.
Dose of Reality
Caring for the Climate, It’s Essential Medicine
If you haven't heard it before, climate change is being described as the greatest public health threat of this century. It is the topic of large international meetings, like last year's COP26, where c...
Woman floating in wine bottle in ocean
Health Lab
Is it time to change your drinking habits?
A psychiatrist discusses the barriers to seeking help for alcohol use disorder and how to overcome them. 
Mother and daughter nurses hugging in room at Mott.
Health Lab
Mother-daughter duo demonstrates the power of a nurse’s care
During the lengthy hospital stays that Ann Laho’s daughter endured, one nurse’s compassion inspired the mother-daughter pair to pursue the profession and help patients the same way she helped their family.
Health Lab Podcast in brackets with a background with a dark blue translucent layers over cells
Health Lab Podcast
How to Take a Pill in 7 Easy Steps
Pill swallowing can be a difficult skill to learn for kids and adults, and for some kids, it's a skill they need to learn at a young age. In this short video tutorial, a child psychologist from the University of Michigan C.S. Mott Children's Hospital shares helpful tips for teaching your child how to swallow pills.
Dose of Reality
Fostering Community Through my M-Home Experience
I've had the pleasure to be involved with M-Home since my first weeks at University of Michigan Medical School, and it has truly shaped so much of my medical school experience. In those first weeks, w...