Cell & Developmental Biology People
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Showing 1-15 of 53 results

Ben Allen Benjamin Allen, PhD
James Douglas Engel Collegiate Professor of Cell and Developmental Biology
Associate Professor, Department of Cell and Developmental Biology
Director, University of Michigan Post-baccalaureate Research Education Program (UM PREP)
Associate Director, Cellular and Molecular Biology Graduate Program
Associate Director, Center for Cell Plasticity and Organ Design
Faculty Advisor, Developing Future Biologists

Richard A. Altschuler Richard Altschuler, PhD
Professor of Cell and Developmental Biology
Professor of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery

labcoat Katharine Barald, PhD
Professor Emerita of Cell and Developmental Biology
Professor Emerita of Biomedical Engineering

Scott Barolo Scott Barolo, PhD
Program in Biomedical Sciences
Associate Professor of Cell and Developmental Biology

Hisham Bazzi headshot Hisham Bazzi, PhD
Associate Professor of Cell and Developmental Biology

headshot of Dawen Cai Dawen Cai, PhD
Associate Professor of Cell and Developmental Biology
Associate Professor of Biophysics
College of Literature, Science, and the Arts

profile-maria-castro-2023 Maria Castro, PhD
R C Schneider Collegiate Professor
Professor of Neurosurgery
Professor of Cell and Developmental Biology
Co-Director, Brain Tumor Research and Translational Neuro-Oncology Laboratories

labcoat Yu-Jie (Jay) Chen, PhD
Research Investigator
Cell and Developmental Biology

labcoat Chao-Yin Cheng, PhD
Research Investigator
Cell and Developmental Biology

Pierre Coulombe Pierre Coulombe, PhD
G Carl Huber Professor of Developmental Biology
Chair, Department of Cell and Developmental Biology
Professor of Cell and Developmental Biology
Professor of Dermatology

Andrzej Dlugosz Andrzej Dlugosz, MD
Poth Professor of Cutaneous Oncology
Associate Chair
Department of Dermatology
Professor of Dermatology
Professor of Cell and Developmental Biology

headshot of Mara Duncan Mara Duncan, PhD
Associate Chair, Department of Cell and Developmental Biology
Associate Professor of Cell and Developmental Biology

headshot of James Engel Doug Engel, PhD
Professor of Cell and Developmental Biology

labcoat Stephen A Ernst
Professor Emeritus of Cell and Developmental Biology

Xing Fan, MD Xing Fan, MD, PhD
Associate Professor of Neurosurgery
Associate Professor of Cell and Developmental Biology
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