Showing 2431-2445 of 2825 results
Dose of Reality
Clinical Reasoning Elective
Last month, we were given the opportunity to sign up for the clinical reasoning elective (CRE). As part of the elective, we go as pairs to work with a faculty member for 2 shifts per month (3-4 hours ...
Dose of Reality
And Breathe...
I think that to say it's been a while would be an understatement at this point. It seems like I fell off the face of the earth, and it actually kind of feels like I did too. Since February, I complete...
Dose of Reality
I haven't studied today!!! ...I feel dirty. (J/K, I feel SPLENDID.)
It feels like it's been approximately a gajillion years since I last wrote (and, upon checking the date, it nearly has been that long. Oops?)
Dose of Reality
In Training
As medical students, it feels like we are always in training. After all, we don't have our MD's yet, and even then we still train during residency. At the moment, it seems like we always will be in tr...
Dose of Reality
Spring Break in the Rockies
It really felt like Spring Break could not have come at a more opportune time. Many of my classmates, including myself, were ready for a change after our unit on the central nervous system. The brain ...
Dose of Reality
Tackling Uncertainty
I can recite enzymes involved in nucleotide biosynthesis, identify the sternohyoid muscle or ilinguinal nerve on a cadaver, tie a square knot, and list pithy acronyms for expressing empathy, but in so...
Dose of Reality
Traveling to Capitol Hill
In my last post, I promised an update on the advocacy efforts of our student chapter of the AMA, and I have many developments to report! In February, we hosted a seminar where students had the opportu...
Dose of Reality
Good Luck on Step 1!
It's hard to believe that it's already time for the Step 1 study period again. As the M2s finish up their preclinical training, here's some advice I gained from this period:
Dose of Reality
The "Low Yield" Adventure of Advocating for Nutrition Education in Medical School
If you're not familiar with the phrase "high yield," you must be an applicant. Every medical student is familiar with the phrase. Some embrace it. Other shudder with repugnance. But the reality is,...
Dose of Reality
Thinking Ahead
I came into medical school fairly confident that I wanted to be an orthopaedic surgeon. I spent my first two years of medical school creating relationships with orthopaedic faculty and devoting a sign...
Dose of Reality
One Show To Rule Them All
So, it's Smoker time again! No, not the cigarette kind, the annual musical roast of the faculty as presented by medical students! This year's show promises to be epic – after all, it's called Lor...
Dose of Reality
What Brings You in Today?
It's the beginning of February, but it feels like spring. The mid-40s weather is a welcome change from the sub-freezing series of days we've had recently. It's been nice to thaw out a bit, and I have ...
Dose of Reality
Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha Inspires us to Advocate for Patients
Today Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha spoke at the School of Public Health on the Flint water crisis. I walked in thinking that I may leave feeling more discouraged than uplifted, given the gravity of the situ...