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Showing 1-15 of 76 results
Health Lab Podcast in brackets with a background with a dark blue translucent layers over cells
Health Lab Podcast
New research launched to address health disparities in abnormal menstrual bleeding and anemia
A $5.6 million grant helps launch research to improve screening and treatment for a gynecologic disorder disproportionately impacting Black and Hispanic populations.
vines all over growing out of purple woman drawing pink background calendar up and pad on right. calendar says the normal menstrual cycle typically lasts for less than 7 days and occurs every 21 to 35 days. the average woman loses about 2-3 tablespoons of blood during her period. pad says the typical cost the menstrual hygiene products is $7 to $10 per month, which adds up to between $3,360 and $4,800 over the course of a life time
Health Lab
Addressing disparities in abnormal menstrual bleeding and anemia
A large grant for Michigan Medicine will launch important research to improve the screening and treatment for a gynecologic disorder that disproportionately impacts Black and Hispanic populations
dad on left, mom sitting next to son all talking smiling
Health Lab
How you can teach your kids to stay safe in the sun
A melanoma survivor shares facts and tips about preventing all types of skin cancer.
girl sitting on couch with brace on and standing with brace on in UM shirts
Health Lab
Live donor cartilage allows musician to return to the stage
A musician receives live donor cartilage that changes her life.
The Fundamentals podcast, season 2
Medical School News
Back 2 The Fundamentals: Successful research podcast launches second season
In the second season of The Fundamentals podcast, co-hosts Kelly Malcom and Jordan Goebig talk to several leading experts from the Medical School about their fields and the fundamental questions they are trying to answer — and discover why U-M is such an amazing place for research. Six new episodes of the popular podcast were released on May 6
The Fundamentals Podcast Hero Card Final 1800 x 1350
The Fundamentals
From Patients to Progress: Advancing Autoimmune Research
Today on The Fundamentals, our guest is Dr. Michelle Kahlenberg, an Associate Professor of Internal Medicine and Dermatology, the Giles Bole and Dorothy Mulkey Research Professor of Rheumatology and the Vice Chair for Basic and Translational Research in Internal Medicine. Her clinical work is centered on the care of patients with lupus, including those with refractory skin disease. In addition to running her lab, she's an active member of the Immunology Training Program and has received national recognition for her research.
uti written on empty roll of toliet paper on a toliet paper holder with hot pink background
Health Lab
How E. coli get the power to cause urinary tract infections
Research published in PNAS examines how the bacteria Escherichia coli, or E. coli—responsible for most UTIs—is able to use host nutrients to reproduce at an extraordinarily rapid pace during infection despite the near sterile environment of fresh urine.
Health Lab
Nurse shares IVF journey that led to her son
Malinda and David Morrison III welcomed their son in 2022 after years of trying to conceive
Image of Mio Nakamura, MD, MS
Office of Research
Clinical Trials Support Office Announces New Associate Medical Director
The Clinical Trials Support Office (CTSO) is pleased to announce that Mio Nakamura, MD, MS, Clinical Assistant Professor, Dermatology, has been appointed as the new Associate Medical Director of the Michigan Clinical Trials Support Unit (M-CTSU) and Michigan Clinical Research Unit (MCRU). Dr. Nakamura’s appointment will begin July 1, 2024, and is a 2-year term.
Photo of hand gripping the bannister on a stairway
Health Lab
Addressing fall risks in people with multiple sclerosis
Among people with multiple sclerosis in the United States, more than half experienced at least one fall in a six-month period and approximately one-third of those falls resulted in an injury.
Florescent image of a human ovarian follicle
Health Lab
Spatial atlas of the human ovary with cell-level resolution will bolster reproductive research
New map of the ovary provides a deeper understanding of how oocytes interact with the surrounding cells during the normal maturation process, and how the function of the follicles may break down in aging or fertility related diseases.
Illustration in red and pink hues of a teen girl embarrassed she doesn't have money in her wallet for period-related products
Health Lab
Despite stigma, many support making menstrual products more accessible, study suggests
Survey shows many teens and young adults support making menstrual products more accessible to fight "period poverty."
Barbie doll placed in stretching positions for a visual aid for doctors
Health Lab
Barbie may help physicians, patients have more productive telehealth visits
At the University of Michigan Health C.S. Mott Children's Hospital, one physician found a way to help pediatric patients demonstrate different joint movements using a Barbie doll.
Illustration of three older women playing cards at a table
Health Lab
Research needed on support for nontraditional caregivers providing care for people with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias
A growing number of people living with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias – especially those from diverse backgrounds – receive care from a network of individuals that increasingly includes nontraditional informal caregivers.
Speculum illustration including a gloved hand holding a swab in front of microscopic cells
Health Lab
U.S. could cut cervical cancer cases, deaths by up to 20% if more patients followed up after screening, study suggests
Many women don’t get cervical cancer screening such as Pap tests, or don’t go for follow up diagnostic tests; a new study shows what could happen if all of them did.