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Health Lab Podcast in brackets with a background with a dark blue translucent layers over cells
Health Lab Podcast
New research launched to address health disparities in abnormal menstrual bleeding and anemia
A $5.6 million grant helps launch research to improve screening and treatment for a gynecologic disorder disproportionately impacting Black and Hispanic populations.
vines all over growing out of purple woman drawing pink background calendar up and pad on right. calendar says the normal menstrual cycle typically lasts for less than 7 days and occurs every 21 to 35 days. the average woman loses about 2-3 tablespoons of blood during her period. pad says the typical cost the menstrual hygiene products is $7 to $10 per month, which adds up to between $3,360 and $4,800 over the course of a life time
Health Lab
Addressing disparities in abnormal menstrual bleeding and anemia
A large grant for Michigan Medicine will launch important research to improve the screening and treatment for a gynecologic disorder that disproportionately impacts Black and Hispanic populations
Photos of DCMB promoted faculty: Yuanfang Guan, Ph.D., Jie Liu, Ph.D., Ryan Mills, Ph.D., Stephen C.J. Parker, Ph.D., and Arvind Rao, Ph.D.
Department News
Five DCMB faculty are promoted, congratulations!
Five DCMB faculty were promoted. They are Yuanfang Guan, Ph.D., Jie Liu, Ph.D., Ryan Mills, Ph.D., Stephen C.J. Parker, Ph.D., and Arvind Rao, Ph.D. Congratulations!
dad on left, mom sitting next to son all talking smiling
Health Lab
How you can teach your kids to stay safe in the sun
A melanoma survivor shares facts and tips about preventing all types of skin cancer.
The Fundamentals podcast, season 2
Medical School News
Back 2 The Fundamentals: Successful research podcast launches second season
In the second season of The Fundamentals podcast, co-hosts Kelly Malcom and Jordan Goebig talk to several leading experts from the Medical School about their fields and the fundamental questions they are trying to answer — and discover why U-M is such an amazing place for research. Six new episodes of the popular podcast were released on May 6
The Fundamentals Podcast Hero Card Final 1800 x 1350
The Fundamentals
If they don't give up, how can I give up?
Today on The Fundamentals is Dr. Maria Castro, the R.C. Schneider collegiate professor of neurosurgery, and a professor of cell and developmental biology at the University of Michigan Medical School. Her research program aims to develop immunotherapies for primary and metastatic brain cancer, studying basic immune biology mechanisms leading to clinical implementation. She has been inducted into the American Association for the Advancement of Sciences, the Latin American Academy of Sciences, and the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering College of Fellows. She has won numerous awards for her contributions to basic science and cancer research and is a diversity ambassador for the Cancer Biology Graduate Training Program. You can learn more about Dr. Castro here, and you can follow her @castro2355_mg, the Rogel Cancer Center @UMRogelCancer, the department of neurosurgery @umichneuro, Michigan Neurscience Institute @UM_MNI and the department of cell and developmental biology @UMCDB on X
uti written on empty roll of toliet paper on a toliet paper holder with hot pink background
Health Lab
How E. coli get the power to cause urinary tract infections
Research published in PNAS examines how the bacteria Escherichia coli, or E. coli—responsible for most UTIs—is able to use host nutrients to reproduce at an extraordinarily rapid pace during infection despite the near sterile environment of fresh urine.
Maya Bose Drawn to Michigan caricature
Department News
Drawn to Michigan Featuring Maya Bose
Drawn to Michigan Featuring Maya Bose - From River Otters to DNA: Her Journey to Computational Medicine and Bioinformatics at U-M!
stained glass green blue purple orange pink
Health Lab
Massive study identifies new biomarkers for renal cancer subtypes, improving diagnosis and—eventually—treatment
A study led by University of Michigan Health Rogel Cancer Center researchers identifies novel biomarkers in renal cell carcinomas.
University of Michigan Girls Who Code logo
Department News
U-M Girls Who Code (GWC) received a Phyllis M. Blackman Innovation Grant to promote "Strengthening Community Partnerships."
This DEI grant will support the Girls Who Code Summer Camp in greater Detroit.
kidneys blue yellow
Health Lab
Why personalized medicine is important in rare kidney disease
Building a comprehensive human kidney cell and tissue catalog could help develop more treatments for kidney disease.
Xray of a stem cell in a mouse brain.
Health Lab
Stem cells improve memory, reduce inflammation in Alzheimer’s mouse brains
Researchers improved memory and reduced neuroinflammation in a mouse model of Alzheimer’s Disease, suggesting another avenue for potential treatment.
Health Lab
Nurse shares IVF journey that led to her son
Malinda and David Morrison III welcomed their son in 2022 after years of trying to conceive
Illustration of a microscope
Health Lab
Researchers uncover distinct molecular subgroups of kidney disease for personalized treatment
Researchers have used advanced computer algorithms to uncover distinct molecular subgroups of kidney diseases, independent of clinical classifications. These findings have significant implications for personalized treatment approaches.
Florescent image of a human ovarian follicle
Health Lab
Spatial atlas of the human ovary with cell-level resolution will bolster reproductive research
New map of the ovary provides a deeper understanding of how oocytes interact with the surrounding cells during the normal maturation process, and how the function of the follicles may break down in aging or fertility related diseases.