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Showing 91-105 of 135 results
mother newborn in hospital side by side photos
Health Lab
“The strength and grace” of one mom with severe heart disease
One mother balances between her severe aortic stenosis, her son in the NICU and her six kids
person pregnant with clock spinning over them in yellow purple background person in red pants pink shortsleeve shirt
Health Lab
Labor induction doesn’t always reduce caesarean birth risk or improve outcomes for term pregnancies
A new study suggests that inducing labor at 39 weeks for low-risk pregnancies may not reduce the risk of C-sections or improve outcomes.
blue cells
Health Lab
How SARS-CoV-2 sets up a literal shop inside cells to cause infection
A highly complicated experiment designed to reveal how SARS-CoV-2 causes infection by hijacking cellular machinery is published by a team of investigators at Michigan Medicine.
Kelly Ripa women's health luncheon fundraiser 2023
News Release
Kelly Ripa to be special guest at Michigan Medicine Women’s Health Luncheon
Michigan Medicine’s efforts to advance leading edge women’s health research will get a boost from actress and Daytime Emmy Award winning host of LIVE with Kelly and Mark, Kelly Ripa.
Department News
New Publication by Takashi Hotta (Puck Ohi Lab)
"Mechanistic Analysis of CCP1 in Generating ΔC2 α-Tubulin in Mammalian Cells and Photoreceptor Neurons," was published in Biomolecules.
Department News
New Publication by Yujia Hu (Ye Lab)
"LabGym: Quantification of user-defined animal behaviors using learning-based holistic assessment," was published in Cell Reports Methods.
Department News
New Publication from Jeff Williams and Jay Chen (Tsai Lab)
"Reticulons promote formation of ER-derived double-membrane vesicles that facilitate SARS-CoV-2 replication," has been published in the Journal of Cell Biology.
Department News
New Publication from the Ye Lab
"DSCAM gene triplication causes excessive GABAergic synapses in the neocortex in Down syndrome mouse models," was published in PLOS BIOLOGY.
Department News
New Publication by Jun Park (Yamashita Lab)
"Derepression of Y-linked multicopy protamine-like genes interferes with sperm nuclear compaction in D. melanogaster," has been published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS).
Department News
New Publication from Kristen Verhey and Puck Ohi
"Causes, costs and consequences of kinesin motors communicating through the microtubule lattice," has been published in the Journal of Cell Science.
Department News
New publication by the Joglekar Lab
"The structural flexibility of MAD1 facilitates the assembly of the Mitotic Checkpoint Complex," has been published in Nature Communications.
uterus image felt graphic red
Health Lab
Mouse study hints at specific brain receptor behind PCOS symptoms
Mouse study at Michigan Medicine hints at specific brain receptor behind PCOS symptoms.
Department News
New Publication from Joseph Letner (Cai Lab)
"Post-explant profiling of subcellular-scale carbon fiber intracortical electrodes and surrounding neurons enables modeling of recorded electrophysiology," has been published in the Journal of Neural Engineering.
map of the united states rate of life threatening childbirth complications by state
Health Lab
Life-threatening birth experiences among Medicaid enrollees vary widely by state and race-ethnicity
Research finds life-threatening birth experiences among Medicaid enrollees vary widely by state and race-ethnicity.
graphic of three people standing next to eachother and DNA strip over them in yellow
Health Lab
Sex, age, mental health and more can affect perceived barriers to genetic testing for cancer
A variety of factors affect the barriers that patients with cancer foresee to undergoing genetic testing, researchers found, but the issues that motivate patients to actually follow through with genetic testing remain unclear.