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Showing 31-45 of 98 results
green background intestines in pink
Health Lab
Researchers identify why cancer immunotherapy can cause colitis
Researchers at the University of Michigan Health Rogel Cancer Center have identified a mechanism that causes severe gastrointestinal problems with immune-based cancer treatment, also finding a way to deliver immunotherapy’s cancer-killing impact without the unwelcome side effect.
article on phone being read by person
Health Lab
The most popular articles of 2023
With over 400 stories published on Health Lab in 2023, the following 10 articles were the most read of the year.
blood cells floating red maroon
Health Lab
Most babies with sickle cell disease face double disadvantage
Babies born with sickle cell disease face social inequality as well as a lifelong chronic disease that is often undertreated with proven drugs.
cancer cell blue yellow
Health Lab
Treating prostate cancer without major side effects
Recently approved by the Food and Drug Administration, Pluvicto is a radionuclide-labelled drug administered to patients showing promising results.
woman holding head down in library
Health Lab
Genetic “protection” against depression no match for pandemic stress
By studying first-year college students’ experiences and backgrounds, scientists may have discovered a way to go beyond genetics to predict which students might be more or less vulnerable to stress-related depression.
child in emergency room hospital bed with teddy bear
Health Lab
The ‘tripledemic’ surge
Focusing on the ‘tripledemic’ of RSV, flu and COVID-19 infections that occurred last year, their results underscore the importance of all types of hospital emergency departments being prepared to care for sick children, especially when health systems become strained.
woman in hospital on left in ICU and the other right side woman standing in jean jacket and black clothes smiling
Health Lab
Brain tumor and car crash survivor aspires to be example for others living with disabilities
A car accident at age 20 left Sahar Mashhour in the intensive care unit for three months. Almost six years later, Mashhour is still pursuing her passions proving that her disability doesn’t limit her ability, but instead helps her see life through a different lens.
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Health Lab
Medication found safe and effective for preventing bleeding in infants with hemophilia A
Infants with hemophilia A who received monoclonal antibody emicizumab experienced few bleeding events and no serious complications, a study suggests.
Woman covered with a red and white print blanket laying on a sofa.
Health Lab
‘Tis the season to get vaccinated: How to stay healthy through the holidays
Winter surges in infectious diseases can ruin holidays, but vaccination against COVID-19, flu, RSV, whooping cough and pneumonia can help.
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Health Lab
Millions of kids in the U.S. have poor health care coverage
Inadequate health coverage is a particular problem for commercially insured children, according to a Michigan Medicine and Columbia study. The research shows that coverage gaps are affecting publicly insured children as well.
family smiling togehter
Health Lab
Ketogenic diet helps 4-year-old live seizure free
Last year, a young girl experienced up to 40 seizures a week. Today, after nearly a year of working with the ketogenic diet team at University of Michigan Health C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital – overseen by a pediatric neurologist and dietitian – she’s celebrating six months of seizure freedom.
green blue map of michigan
Health Lab
How does exposure to ‘forever chemicals’ impact your cancer risk
Pearce, professor of epidemiology at the School of Public Health and co-lead of Rogel’s cancer control and population sciences program, reflects on the project and why bringing this study to Michigan is so critical.
A family discussing their family's medical history at Thanksgiving
Health Lab
Why you need to discuss your family health history at Thanksgiving
The holidays are a great time to discuss your family's medical history. Learn the importance of discussing your family's health history & how to bring it up.