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Showing 16-30 of 79 results
Gloved hands holding silicone chips used in cancer research
Health Lab
Is lung cancer treatment working? This chip can tell from a blood draw
Using a chip to process blood samples, doctors can monitor the amount of cancer cells in a patient’s blood to determine how well a treatment is working by the fourth week, according to a new study.
person with pink shirt blue background pregnant
Health Lab
Transgender people show similar pregnancy outcomes to cisgender people
A Michigan Medicine-led study found that transgender individuals show similar rates of severe parental morbidity and preterm birth and lower rates of cesarean delivery when compared to cisgender people.
colorful drawing of people figures dark background
Health Lab
Everyone plays a role in improving cancer health equity
As guest editor for a themed journal issue, Lori Pierce helps highlight the multiple factors that can make cancer care and prevention more equitable and reduce the burden of this disease for all
patient end of bed in hospital looking out window with stuffed animal on bed
Health Lab
Studying cells to improve medulloblastoma treatment
Research from Michigan Medicine experts is shedding light and potentially expanding options for patients living with an aggressive childhood cancer.
green background intestines in pink
Health Lab
Researchers identify why cancer immunotherapy can cause colitis
Researchers at the University of Michigan Health Rogel Cancer Center have identified a mechanism that causes severe gastrointestinal problems with immune-based cancer treatment, also finding a way to deliver immunotherapy’s cancer-killing impact without the unwelcome side effect.
woman hugging patient in exam room
Health Lab
A unique patient case inspiring research
Mallory Mattison serves as the inspiration behind critical medical research that’s supporting other patients like her with lipodystrophy syndromes
article on phone being read by person
Health Lab
The most popular articles of 2023
With over 400 stories published on Health Lab in 2023, the following 10 articles were the most read of the year.
cancer cell blue yellow
Health Lab
Treating prostate cancer without major side effects
Recently approved by the Food and Drug Administration, Pluvicto is a radionuclide-labelled drug administered to patients showing promising results.
purple cells floating up close
Health Lab
Study links gene network and pancreatic beta cell defects to type 2 diabetes
Teams from Vanderbilt University Medical Center and the University of Michigan design a comprehensive study that integrates multiple analytic approaches that has linked a regulatory gene network and functional defects in insulin-producing pancreatic beta cells to type 2 diabetes.
green blue map of michigan
Health Lab
How does exposure to ‘forever chemicals’ impact your cancer risk
Pearce, professor of epidemiology at the School of Public Health and co-lead of Rogel’s cancer control and population sciences program, reflects on the project and why bringing this study to Michigan is so critical.
A family discussing their family's medical history at Thanksgiving
Health Lab
Why you need to discuss your family health history at Thanksgiving
The holidays are a great time to discuss your family's medical history. Learn the importance of discussing your family's health history & how to bring it up.
finger pointing at person
Health Lab
Examining mental health and reducing stigma in diabetes
Research at Michigan Medicine has been working to improve the psychosocial concerns related to diabetes, which often pose issues for people living with the condition
man in scrubs sitting with scrub cap with headset on in clinical setting
Health Lab
Medical students use virtual reality to improve diabetes
A physician invents a creative approach for medical students in diabetic care.
mom child and doctor smiling by tree
Health Lab
A diabetes device that makes a lot of “Sense”
Living with diabetes at such a young age comes with challenges, but those challenges have inspired Jackson, now 8 years old, to come up with ways for people like him to live a little easier with a new device called "SensePod".