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Showing 61-75 of 125 results
watch on hand
Health Lab
Tailored text messages not enough to improve mobility after heart issues
A Michigan Medicine report shows that adding a mobile health application to such devices yields mixed results. Tailored text messages to encourage high-risk people to move more may improve some short-term outcomes but doesn’t always improve physical activity levels for everyone.
woman outside by water and woman with care team infusion
Health Lab
Immunotherapy saves woman with stage 4 colon cancer
A Michigan Medicine expert describes immunotherapy as “the future of cancer treatment” for those who qualify.
cancer cell
Health Lab
Language barriers in cancer care
Research from experts at Michigan Medicine shows that significant language-based disparities exist in patients’ access to cancer care services, and it’s well before their first appointment with a doctor. 
Health Lab
10 tips for cancer patients heading into their first infusion treatment
Cancer survivors who received treatment at the University of Michigan Health Rogel Cancer Center and infusion nurses demystify the experience by providing 10 helpful things to know ahead of time.
blood sample
Health Lab
Early findings suggest clinical and lab-based approach critical to tracking head and neck cancer recurrence
Early findings of two studies from the University of Michigan Rogel Cancer Center shed light on new ways to anticipate recurrence in HPV-positive head and neck cancer sooner. The papers, published in Cancer and Oral Oncology, offer clinical and technological perspectives on how to measure if recurrence is happening earlier than current blood tests allow, and provide a framework for a new, more sensitive blood test that could help in this monitoring.
man standing
Health Lab
Beating the odds against chronic total occlusion
Learn about the latest advances in treatment for chronic total occlusion, a life-threatening condition that deprives the heart of oxygen. A team of cardiovascular surgeons perform advanced, minimally invasive surgery to help David Schneider get his life back on track.
man at table writing down in living room
Health Lab
Free online tool helps prostate cancer patients save on out-of-pocket drug costs
A free online tool could potentially save some prostate cancer patients more than $9,000 in out-of-pocket drug costs, a Michigan Medicine study finds.
nanoparticles floating green blue
Health Lab
Gene therapy for brain tumor shows promising early results in humans
Research from the University of Michigan Department of Neurosurgery and Rogel Cancer Center shows promising early results that a therapy combining cell-killing and immune-stimulating drugs are safe and effective in extending survival for patients with gliomas, a highly aggressive form of brain cancer.
glioma brain scan
Health Lab
Study finds improved survival for incurable brain tumor, providing ‘a crack in the armor’
A potential drug candidate called ONC201 nearly doubled survival for patients with diffuse midline glioma and DIPG.
pink purple microscopic cells
Health Lab
Study shows new approach to target deadly form of prostate cancer
A study from the University of Michigan Rogel Cancer Center uncovers a new mechanism to explain why some prostate tumors switch from a common, treatable form to a more rare and aggressive form of prostate cancer.
gloved hand doing microplate samples
Health Lab
Study brings insight to kidney cancer with gene mutation
A study from clinicians and researchers at the University of Michigan Rogel Cancer Center reveals findings from over 800 clinical assays performed for kidney patients with MiTF family gene mutations.
woman checking watch orange shirt outside
Health Lab
Increased step count linked to better health for people with heart failure
Using these wearable devices, a study led by Michigan Medicine and the University of Missouri with Saint Luke’s Mid America Heart Institute finds that taking more daily steps is associated improved health, including fewer symptoms and physical limitations, for people with heart failure.
person walking on treadmill
Health Lab
Cardiac rehabilitation reduces risk of death years after heart surgery, still underutilized
A Michigan Medicine study finds people who participate in cardiac rehabilitation have a decreased risk of death years after surgery, with a trend towards better outcomes in patients who attend more sessions.
teen girl holding rib cage model
Health Lab
3D metallic rib implants from Spain give teenage cancer patient a second chance
A pediatric cancer patient received new 3D metallic ribs from Spain to help treat and manage her disease.
specialists standing together
Health Lab
Dispelling the myths behind palliative care
Physicians, nurse practitioners, social workers, spiritual care professionals, clinical pharmacists and other specialized providers all work together to create a unified palliative care team at Michigan Medicine.