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Showing 46-60 of 151 results
person in white coat at laptop green fruit in hand
Health Lab
Both virtual and in-person nutrition visits help to lower cholesterol
The use of telehealth remains high, with over 20% of American adults taking appointments online. These visits include video calls with registered dietitian nutritionists, who have a critical role in helping patients take on lifestyle changes through medical nutrition therapy. With a focus on the changing digital landscape, researchers at Michigan Medicine found that telemedicine patients with hyperlipidemia — an excess of cholesterol or fats in the blood — experienced similar positive health benefits compared to those who had in-person visits.
smart watch on wrist
Health Lab
Clinical smart watch finds success at identifying atrial fibrillation
A Michigan Medicine research team developed a prescription wristwatch that continuously monitors the wearer’s heart rhythm and uses a unique algorithm to detect atrial fibrillation. The clinical-grade device, called the Verily Study Watch, proved very accurate at identifying atrial fibrillation in participants.
family smiling togehter
Health Lab
Ketogenic diet helps 4-year-old live seizure free
Last year, a young girl experienced up to 40 seizures a week. Today, after nearly a year of working with the ketogenic diet team at University of Michigan Health C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital – overseen by a pediatric neurologist and dietitian – she’s celebrating six months of seizure freedom.
supar molecule teal blue yellow red
Health Lab
Immune protein suPAR links viral infection as possible cause of kidney disease
Through a series of experiments in non-human primates, mice and humans, a multi-institutional team led by researchers from Michigan Medicine and Rush University found that the immune protein soluble urokinase plasminogen activator receptor, or suPAR, is an important link between viral infections and proteinuria; the elevation of protein in the urine is known to cause glomerulopathy, a common form of kidney disease.
woman listening to different shadow windows of people saying different things about kids
Health Lab
Parents of young kids increasingly turn to social media for parenting advice
A C.S. Mott Children's Hospital health poll found most mothers and over two-thirds of fathers of children ages 0-4 use social media for questions on topics like feeding and behavior challenges.
heart organ yellow blue
Health Lab
Irregular heartbeat after valve surgery increases risk of stroke, death
Postoperative atrial fibrillation, commonly known as Afib, has traditionally been viewed as benign and limited. But a study led by researchers at the University of Michigan Health Frankel Cardiovascular Center finds that postoperative atrial fibrillation increases the risk of strokes and permanent Afib — and is linked to worse long term survival — after heart valve surgery.
human organ for transplant
Health Lab
Findings shed light on how a pediatric heart surgery complication impacts heart transplant survival
Patients who experience this condition following the Fontan continue to have a high risk of death from the time they’re waitlisted for a new heart through receiving the transplant, according to a 20-center study led by Michigan Medicine. And one specific complication called cyanosis – or experiencing less than normal oxygen blood levels – was associated with worsened survival.
Brain image highlighting areas
Health Lab
Women stroke survivors believe they will receive worse care in the emergency room
National study examined health care perceptions of approximately 3,500 women, including those with and without a history of stroke
Chlld holding vape container parent coming into room
Health Lab
E-cigarette exposure on the rise in young children: 6 things parents should know
Pediatrician: Just a few drops of liquid nicotine can be lethal in a toddler
surgeons in OR with blue and teal scrubs with screen on and patient under teal sheet
Health Lab
Treating heart valve disease: What are your options?
Michigan Medicine’s head of cardiac surgery, Gorav Ailawadi, M.D, M.B.A., answers questions about different treatment options for heart valve disease.
red lines with heart through it beige background
Health Lab
Research finds potential target for cardiovascular disease in diabetes
University of Michigan researchers found that the overproduction of neutrophil extracellular traps is an important contributing factor to vascular dysfunction in diabetes.
mother baby helmet head shape
Health Lab
Study shows baby helmets yield high success rate
Research from the University of Michigan Orthotics and Prosthetics Center looked at the effectiveness of the Michigan Cranial Reshaping Helmet and what age it was best to prescribe them at.
SOS in the brain red words and blue drawing of a side face and brown background
Health Lab
What school staff should know about seizure first aid
When it comes to seizure first aid for students with epilepsy, it's essential for school staff to be prepared. Learn the signs of a seizure and what actions you can take to provide immediate assistance.
parent looking at kids outside graphic walking alone
Health Lab
Helicopter parents may unintentionally hinder kid’s independence during elementary years, poll says
A C.S. Mott Children's Hospital expert recommends parents consider these steps to help both you and your children gain confidence in your littles transitioning to teen years.
heart image drawing
Health Lab
TAVR: Less than one-third of patients enter cardiac rehab after heart procedure
The vast majority of people who have a minimally invasive heart valve replacement procedure do not participate in recommended cardiac rehabilitation, a Michigan Medicine-led study finds.