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Showing 166-180 of 183 results
human brain with glowing purple blue lights out of brain
Health Lab
Geometry of the brain, dimensions of the mind
Researchers identify new ways to characterize states of consciousness
pregnant stomach with yellow dots and blue undertone lab note
Health Lab
Few pregnant people who died of overdose, suicide in Michigan received proper treatment before death
A review of maternal deaths suggests most individuals had documented behavioral health conditions but only one-third received appropriate pharmacologic treatment before death
collage of photos like kid with bloody nose heart rythm ontop of a body, doctor cartoon helping patient, kid lying down sick and more.
Health Lab
The 10 most popular stories of the year
Here’s what topics resonated with most readers of the Michigan Health blog. Can you guess what they were?
friends hugging purple butterflies
Health Lab
Lupus: A frustrating diagnosis journey you don’t need to embark alone
Nicknamed the “invisible disease”, the autoimmune disorder comes with lifestyle changes that can be a challenging adjustment.
child looking at family outside of kitchen area
Health Lab
Encouraging spirituality in teens without forcing participation
Among parents who plan to attend religious services this holiday season, nearly half would insist their teen join even if they didn’t want to, a poll suggests.
prescription pad
Health Lab
Reducing opioids prescribed after total knee and hip arthroplasty can be beneficial for patients and doctors
Large doses of opioids are commonly prescribed after total knee and hip arthroplasty to avoid call-ins for refills, but smaller doses can be just as effective.
Health Lab Podcast in brackets with a background with a dark blue translucent layers over cells
Health Lab Podcast
Keeping Kids & Teens Safe Around Fireworks
Firework safety isn't just for the Fourth of July. A recent poll on children's health showed that 1 in 5 parents would allow kids to help set off fireworks, and some don’t consistently enforce sparkler safety rules, or keep a safe distance. Listen to today's episode for tips to stay safe around fireworks and sparklers.
boy holding book
Health Lab
New hope for patients with rare epilepsy
Thousands of children face seizures, developmental delays, and possible death from Dravet Syndrome. A new treatment built on Michigan Medicine research could help.
kid looking close to screen blinking bright green background
Health Lab
Protecting children’s eyes from screens, sun and sports 
National poll suggests many parents overlook simple steps to minimize children’s risk of eye injuries.
Mother and daughter nurses hugging in room at Mott.
Health Lab
Mother-daughter duo demonstrates the power of a nurse’s care
During the lengthy hospital stays that Ann Laho’s daughter endured, one nurse’s compassion inspired the mother-daughter pair to pursue the profession and help patients the same way she helped their family.
Health Lab Podcast in brackets with a background with a dark blue translucent layers over cells
Health Lab Podcast
How to Take a Pill in 7 Easy Steps
Pill swallowing can be a difficult skill to learn for kids and adults, and for some kids, it's a skill they need to learn at a young age. In this short video tutorial, a child psychologist from the University of Michigan C.S. Mott Children's Hospital shares helpful tips for teaching your child how to swallow pills.
Department News
Department of Anesthesiology launches initiative to minimize the field’s impact on climate change
The initiative aims to reduce the Department of Anesthesiology's greenhouse gas emissions from anesthetic gases by 80%.
medical professional in scrubs at cart montior
Health Lab
Better Balance, Speech and Hearing: What You Need to Know
Audiologists can help with more than your hearing; they can also help with better speech and balance for children and adults.
Health Lab
The Alternative to a Doctor’s Office Visit Gains in Popularity During Pandemic
Experts bring virtual care to a diverse range of patients in need.