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Showing 31-45 of 183 results
Barbie doll placed in stretching positions for a visual aid for doctors
Health Lab
Barbie may help physicians, patients have more productive telehealth visits
At the University of Michigan Health C.S. Mott Children's Hospital, one physician found a way to help pediatric patients demonstrate different joint movements using a Barbie doll.
Yating Zheng
Department News
Yating Zheng Selected as Major Symposium Speaker at the American Association of Immunologists’ IMMUNOLOGY2024™ Annual Conference
Yating Zheng, Ph.D. Student (Courtney Lab), was recently selected as a Major Symposium speaker for the American Association of Immunologists’ (AAI) IMMUNOLOGY2024™ meeting to be held in Chicago May 3-7, 2024.
Deb Paris
Department News
Deb Paris becomes the new Chief Department Administrator of Pharmacology
The Department of Pharmacology is delighted to share that Deb Paris has accepted the offer to become the new Chief Department Administrator of Pharmacology. Please join us in welcoming her!
Ben Thompson
Department News
Benjamin Thompson, Ph.D. Candidate (Satin Lab), successfully defends his dissertation
Benjamin Thompson, Ph.D. Candidate (Satin Lab), successfully defends his dissertation
Department News
Pharmacological Sciences and Bio-Related Chemistry Symposium Poster Winners: Livia, Cristian, and Kassidy
Congratulations to Livia, Cristian, and Kassidy!
Rob Goldsmith
Department News
Robert Goldsmith, Ph.D. Candidate (Brody Lab) successfully defends dissertation!
Congratulations to Robert Goldsmith, Ph.D. Candidate (Brody Lab), on successfully defending his dissertation.
Subhash Arya
Department News
Subhash Arya, Ph.D., receives the 2024 Thermo Fisher Trainee Achievement Award
Subhash Arya, Ph.D., Postdoc Fellow in the Parent Lab, has recently been selected as a recipient of the 2024 Thermo Fisher Trainee Achievement Award.
Juan Valentin-Goyco
Department News
Juan Valentín-Goyco successfully defended his dissertation
Congratulations to Juan Valentín-Goyco (Ph.D. candidate, Auchus Lab) on successfully defending his dissertation titled "Mechanistic and Pharmacological Studies of 11β-hydroxylase (P450 11B1) and Aldosterone Synthase (P450 11B2)".
Department News
Dr. Matthew Brody is awarded the 2024 Cardiovascular Pharmacology Early Career Award
Congratulations, Dr. Brody!
Health care provider loads syringe with measles vaccine
Health Lab
Measles: 10 things to know about immunization and prevention
Measles: 10 things to know about immunization and prevention
Adult performs CPR on a young athlete, illustration with red and blue figures
Health Lab
Sudden cardiac arrest in young athletes: 5 things parents should know
Sudden cardiac arrest in young athletes: 5 things parents should know
headshot of John Traynor
Department News
John Traynor, Ph.D., is elected Secretary/Treasurer-Elect for ASPET
Congratulations to John Traynor, Ph.D., on his new role as Secretary/Treasurer-Elect for ASPET. His term will begin on July 1, 2024. Read more here:
Drawing of parent trying to get child's attention who is listening to music on headphones
Health Lab
Are headphones and earbuds exposing your children to noise health risks?
2 in 3 parents in national poll say their child ages 5-12 use personal audio devices; pediatrician offers 4 tips to reduce noise exposure risks
Department News
Elizabeth Jaeckel has paper featured in the Journal of Neuroscience
Elizabeth Jaeckel's (Birdsong Lab) paper, published in the Journal of Neuroscience, was chosen to be a featured article.
Illustration of a doctor and patient looking at ultrasound
Health Lab
Novel device detects cervix “ripening” to predict normal and abnormal labor
Multi-specialty team is studying a non-invasive method to measure underlying cervical tissue changes that precede birth with the hopes of predicting timing of birth.