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Showing 16-30 of 145 results
Barbie doll placed in stretching positions for a visual aid for doctors
Health Lab
Barbie may help physicians, patients have more productive telehealth visits
At the University of Michigan Health C.S. Mott Children's Hospital, one physician found a way to help pediatric patients demonstrate different joint movements using a Barbie doll.
Close up image of red blood cells moving through veins
Health Lab
Discovery reveals how this common stinky gas is processed to promote blood vessel growth
A new collaborative study, examined the interaction between three naturally occurring gases — nitric oxide (NO), oxygen, and H2S — during generation of new blood vessels, called angiogenesis.
Cutaway view of an self-assembling protein nanocompartment
Department News
The Giessen lab publishes a research article in Nature Communications
The Giessen lab publishes a research article in Nature Communications.
Department News
The Banerjee lab publishes three new papers
An article about a program to promote faculty diversity co-authored by Ruma Banerjee and two research articles by Banerjee lab members and their U-M collaborators have come into view this week.
National Science Foundation logo
Department News
Yan Zhang, PhD, receives a CAREER award from the National Science Foundation
Assistant Professor Yan Zhang of the Department of Biological Chemistry at U-M Medical School is the recipient of an NSF CAREER award.
Health care provider loads syringe with measles vaccine
Health Lab
Measles: 10 things to know about immunization and prevention
Measles: 10 things to know about immunization and prevention
Adult performs CPR on a young athlete, illustration with red and blue figures
Health Lab
Sudden cardiac arrest in young athletes: 5 things parents should know
Sudden cardiac arrest in young athletes: 5 things parents should know
Drawing of parent trying to get child's attention who is listening to music on headphones
Health Lab
Are headphones and earbuds exposing your children to noise health risks?
2 in 3 parents in national poll say their child ages 5-12 use personal audio devices; pediatrician offers 4 tips to reduce noise exposure risks
Schematic of Hrd1 proteoliposome immobilization
Department News
PhD student Basila Moochickal Assainar publishes a research article in Nature Communications
PhD student Basila Moochickal Assainar is the first author of a research article in Nature Communications.
Illustration of a doctor and patient looking at ultrasound
Health Lab
Novel device detects cervix “ripening” to predict normal and abnormal labor
Multi-specialty team is studying a non-invasive method to measure underlying cervical tissue changes that precede birth with the hopes of predicting timing of birth.
Three year old patient poses by Wonder Woman statue, wears costume
Health Lab
Three-year-old Wonder Woman making strides after customized spinal procedure
Three year old Wonder Woman fan thrives after customized minimally invasive selective dorsal rhizotomy to help symptoms of cerebral palsy and spastic diplegia
Child grasps stomach area because of kidney stones
Health Lab
Kidney stones becoming more prevalent in children: What parents should know
Cases of kidney stones in children are increasing, but parents can minimize the chances their kids develop them.
pregnancy blue yellow
Health Lab
Gaps seen in stillbirth bereavement care among U.S. hospitals
American hospitals vary greatly in what they offer to birthing parents when a stillbirth occurs during labor or delivery.
cutting dna strings scientist white coat purple background
Health Lab
CRISPR off-switches: A path towards safer genome engineering?
A study from the University of Michigan Medical School developed off-switches useful for improving the safety of the Type I-C/Cas3 gene editor.
person with pink shirt blue background pregnant
Health Lab
Transgender people show similar pregnancy outcomes to cisgender people
A Michigan Medicine-led study found that transgender individuals show similar rates of severe parental morbidity and preterm birth and lower rates of cesarean delivery when compared to cisgender people.