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Showing 16-30 of 52 results
Health Lab Podcast in brackets with a background with a dark blue translucent layers over cells
Health Lab Podcast
Study finds bipolar disorder surpasses smoking in mortality risk
A large study shows having bipolar disorder is associated with a four- to six-fold risk of dying prematurely, suggesting more preventive efforts needed. Visit Health Lab to read the full story.
blue image person reaching
Health Lab
Reenergizing hospital staff through interactive recharge rooms 
The Flourish recharge room, an innovative gift given to Michigan Medicine, provides staff with a transformative and healing experience.
baby parent grass trees field
Health Lab
1-year-old celebrates first holiday at home after 340-day hospital stay
Kyle and Kaylee Berner are enjoying making memories with their baby, Bennett, outside hospital walls. Courtesy of the Berners
woman holding head down in library
Health Lab
Genetic “protection” against depression no match for pandemic stress
By studying first-year college students’ experiences and backgrounds, scientists may have discovered a way to go beyond genetics to predict which students might be more or less vulnerable to stress-related depression.
cannabis leaf sketched blue
Health Lab
1 in 8 older adults use cannabis products, suggesting need to screen for risks
The Michigan Medicine finding suggest a need for more education and screening of older adults for cannabis-related risks.
human organ for transplant
Health Lab
Findings shed light on how a pediatric heart surgery complication impacts heart transplant survival
Patients who experience this condition following the Fontan continue to have a high risk of death from the time they’re waitlisted for a new heart through receiving the transplant, according to a 20-center study led by Michigan Medicine. And one specific complication called cyanosis – or experiencing less than normal oxygen blood levels – was associated with worsened survival.
Michigan Medicine neuroscientist Huda Akil, Ph.D., accepts National Medal of Science from President Joe Biden.
News Release
U-M neuroscientist Huda Akil, Ph.D., wins National Medal of Science
Distinguished U-M neuroscientist Huda Akil, Ph.D., has received the nation’s highest scientific honor – the National Medal of Science -- for her contributions to science and their impact on humankind’s understanding of depression, anxiety, addiction and more.
heart image drawing
Health Lab
TAVR: Less than one-third of patients enter cardiac rehab after heart procedure
The vast majority of people who have a minimally invasive heart valve replacement procedure do not participate in recommended cardiac rehabilitation, a Michigan Medicine-led study finds.
Four scenes of dementia care in different settings
News Release
New $81M NIH grant will help U.S. answer urgent need for better dementia care
A massive new study will survey the healthcare workers who care for people with dementia in homes, nursing homes, assisted living, clinics and hospitals, to provide data for research and care improvement.
doctor checking heart on patient
Health Lab
Leading experts release new guidelines to improve congenital heart surgery care for children
For the first time in more than 20 years, dozens of pediatric cardiologists, surgeons and other health professionals have come together to develop new guidelines intended to improve heart surgery care for this population of children and teens.
man looking at guns clerk store
Health Lab
High rate of mental health problems and political extremism found in those who bought firearms during COVID pandemic
Firearm purchases rose during the pandemic and a survey shows high rates of mental health issues and political extremism among those who bought guns during 2020 and 2021.
brain with money on it
Health Lab
What will it take to make mental health coverage and care better?
Access to mental health care has lagged even as diagnoses have risen; a proposed federal fix aims to increase insurance coverage of care.
Text: 20+ top-ranked residency programs at the U-M Medical School. Image: Michigan Medicine logo with maize-colored M.
News Release
13 U-M graduate medical education programs ranked in the top 10 by Doximity
There are 13 U-M graduate medical education programs ranked in the top 10 by Doximity.
older couple ambulance
Health Lab
Dementia becomes an emergency 1.4 million times a year
People with Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia account for a large percentage of emergency visits by older adults, but some of those crises could be prevented.