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Showing 16-30 of 72 results
Drawing of parent trying to get child's attention who is listening to music on headphones
Health Lab
Are headphones and earbuds exposing your children to noise health risks?
2 in 3 parents in national poll say their child ages 5-12 use personal audio devices; pediatrician offers 4 tips to reduce noise exposure risks
Minding Memory with a microphone and a shadow of a microphone on a blue background
Minding Memory
The Professional Workforce of People Who Provide Dementia Care
In this episode of Minding Memory, Matt & Donovan speak with Dr. Joanne Spetz, the Brenda and Jeffrey L. Kang Presidential Chair in Healthcare Finance and Director of the Philip R. Lee Institute for Health Policy Studies at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF). Joanne talks with Matt & Donovan about who makes up the professional workforce of people who provide dementia care and how these individuals play a critical role in the delivery of services. Joanne also discusses how different professional roles interact across setting of care. Lastly, Joanne introduces a new study she is working on with Donovan called the National Dementia Workforce Study (NDWS) that will be surveying a large group of clinicians who provide care for people living with dementia.
Dark staircase leading to blue sky above
Health Lab
Ketamine’s promise for severe depression grows, but major questions remain
New findings about the impact of IV ketamine on treatment resistant depression add more fuel to the potential for broader use and insurance coverage.
Older man with hand on forehead, dressed in camouflage clothing
Health Lab
Ketamine helped many severely depressed veterans, study shows
Intravenous (IV) ketamine helped relieve the depression symptoms of half of the veterans who received it at VA hospitals.
Child grasps stomach area because of kidney stones
Health Lab
Kidney stones becoming more prevalent in children: What parents should know
Cases of kidney stones in children are increasing, but parents can minimize the chances their kids develop them.
Illustration of neuron cell
Health Lab
Two genes linked to autism implicated in brain cell connectivity
A new study links two autism-associated genes together for the first time, potentially revealing a mechanism behind brain changes seen in people with autism.
Minding Memory with a microphone and a shadow of a microphone on a blue background
Minding Memory
Racial Disparities in Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias
In this episode of Minding Memory, Matt & Donovan speak with Dr. Lisa Barnes, the Alla V. and Solomon Jesmer Professor of Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine, Department of Neurological Sciences and Associate-Director of the Rush Alzheimer’s Disease Center at Rush University. Dr. Barnes talks with Matt & Donovan about racial disparities in Alzheimer’s disease dementia and several obstacles that have impeded our understanding of race and dementia.
AI algorithm alcohol medical symbols
Health Lab
For surgery patients, AI could help reduce alcohol-related risks
Surgery patients who drink at a risky level have higher risks of complications; surgical teams could use artificial intelligence to search their records for signs that they may need to cut back.
Health Lab Podcast in brackets with a background with a dark blue translucent layers over cells
Health Lab Podcast
Study finds bipolar disorder surpasses smoking in mortality risk
A large study shows having bipolar disorder is associated with a four- to six-fold risk of dying prematurely, suggesting more preventive efforts needed. Visit Health Lab to read the full story.
blue image person reaching
Health Lab
Reenergizing hospital staff through interactive recharge rooms 
The Flourish recharge room, an innovative gift given to Michigan Medicine, provides staff with a transformative and healing experience.
Health Lab
Parents’ top resolutions: More patience, less time on phones
6 ways families can make resolutions stick
woman holding head down in library
Health Lab
Genetic “protection” against depression no match for pandemic stress
By studying first-year college students’ experiences and backgrounds, scientists may have discovered a way to go beyond genetics to predict which students might be more or less vulnerable to stress-related depression.
cannabis leaf sketched blue
Health Lab
1 in 8 older adults use cannabis products, suggesting need to screen for risks
The Michigan Medicine finding suggest a need for more education and screening of older adults for cannabis-related risks.
woman listening to different shadow windows of people saying different things about kids
Health Lab
Parents of young kids increasingly turn to social media for parenting advice
A C.S. Mott Children's Hospital health poll found most mothers and over two-thirds of fathers of children ages 0-4 use social media for questions on topics like feeding and behavior challenges.
mom child and doctor smiling by tree
Health Lab
A diabetes device that makes a lot of “Sense”
Living with diabetes at such a young age comes with challenges, but those challenges have inspired Jackson, now 8 years old, to come up with ways for people like him to live a little easier with a new device called "SensePod".