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Showing 61-65 of 65 results
Minding Memory with a microphone and a shadow of a microphone on a blue background
Minding Memory
What is the Value of Early Detection of Dementia?
In this episode we talk with Dr. Ken Langa about the implications of identification of “preclinical” Alzheimer’s disease (situations where individuals may have biological signs of Alzheimer’s but no symptoms). Ken is a leading dementia researcher and our discussion focuses on an article he published called “Preclinical Alzheimer Disease – Early Diagnosis or Overdiagnosis” that was published in JAMA Internal Medicine. In his article co-authored with Dr. Jim Burke, he brings up some of the potential indirect effects of early detection.
Minding Memory with a microphone and a shadow of a microphone on a blue background
Minding Memory
Introduction to the Minding Memory Podcast
In this episode we introduce ourselves and provide an overview of the Minding Memory Podcast. This podcast is supported by the Center to Accelerate Population Research in Alzheimer’s (CAPRA) at the University of Michigan. Our guest this week is Dr. Julie Bynum. Julie is the director of CAPRA and we talk briefly about what the NIH-funded research center is and how to get involved.
Borderless Christmas picture of family with baby newborn
Health Lab
A Pregnant Liver Transplant Recipient Conquers COVID-19
A pregnant liver transplant recipient receives cutting-edge monoclonal antibody treatment for COVID-19 months before her due date.
silver amish oto hearing device aid that's U shaped
Health Lab
How a Field Clinic Improved Hearing Loss in an Amish Community
Through a field clinic, a Michigan Medicine team brings hearing health services to an Amish community.
Health Lab
Hospitals Send Some Patients Home With Risky Antibiotic Prescriptions
Targeting fluoroquinolone prescribing in hospitals is effective, a 48-hospital study shows, but many patients still get discharge prescriptions for them.