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Paxlovid pill green Covid medicine
Health Lab
A how-to guide to COVID treatments
A Michigan Medicine FAQ about Paxlovid, with new information since its FDA approval in May 2023.
red hair woman looking at screen of computer in white coat
Health Lab
What's the impact of predictive AI in the health care setting?
Models built on machine learning in health care can be victims of their own success, according to researchers at the Icahn School of Medicine and the University of Michigan.
Borderless Christmas picture of family with baby newborn
Health Lab
A Pregnant Liver Transplant Recipient Conquers COVID-19
A pregnant liver transplant recipient receives cutting-edge monoclonal antibody treatment for COVID-19 months before her due date.
silver amish oto hearing device aid that's U shaped
Health Lab
How a Field Clinic Improved Hearing Loss in an Amish Community
Through a field clinic, a Michigan Medicine team brings hearing health services to an Amish community.