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Showing 121-135 of 183 results
toddler laying on bed in hospital
Health Lab
Family support helps baby and parents navigate heart failure and transplant
Mariana Lizcano was in heart failure before she turned a year old. Support from her family and care team were crucial to her ability to undergo a heart transplant and recover smoothly.
holding baby in hands pink shirt
Health Lab
Study shows racial inequities in newborn drug testing
In a new study, newborn drug testing inequities remained similar after recreational legalization of cannabis, overall test positivity rates for THC increased
man in several activities winter hat and jackets on
Health Lab
Using neuropsychology to heal from cancer treatment
Using neuropsychology to heal from cancer treatment: A multidisciplinary clinic uses this method to help patients after oncology treatments
vitamin d pills
Health Lab
What vitamin D can — and can’t — do for you
Supplement expert and U-M Health Jenkins/Pokempner Director of Alternative Medicine Mark Moyad explains what vitamin D can – and can’t – do for you.
Hand putting eye drops in eye
Health Lab
See clearly with these tips for safely using eye drops
What should you consider when choosing the best kind of artificial tears for your eyes?
Health Lab
A ‘game changer’ for mental health
The MC3 program provides psychiatric expertise on-demand to primary care providers in Michigan as they manage mental health conditions in young or pregnant patients
Health Lab
Wheelchair basketball player holds court with U-M men’s team
Rollverines team helps build strength, confidence for those unable to play able-bodied basketball.
Purple hand holding chapstick marking on a mans brow
Health Lab
Beezin’:The dangerous TikTok trend involving Burt’s Bees
Why putting lip balm on eyelids is bad for your eyes
Pink person heart hand with watch 91
Health Lab
Can a wearable device make an impact on your heart health?
From heart arrhythmias, high blood pressure and heart failure, mobile apps can provide a snapshot into heart disease
Women in red shirt with cloud hanging over her head looking in mirror
Health Lab
What I wish I’d known about teens and eating disorders
Anorexia and other eating disorders can strike tweens and teens, but parents and health care providers may miss signs.
person with stomach pain purple and grey coloring and at home stool test
Health Lab
When to use an at-home colorectal cancer screening test instead of a colonoscopy
What to know about an at-home colorectal cancer screening test versus a colonoscopy
man patient looking out window
Health Lab
What is frontotemporal dementia? A neurologist explains
A Michigan Medicine neurologist explains more about frontotemporal dementia.
hand holding older hand over blanket
Health Lab
What experts wish more people knew about hospice and other end-of-life care
Hospice, palliative care, end-of-life decisions, long-term care insurance and durable power of attorney are all things people with serious health issues should think about.
kid holding stomach with stripped shirt green blue white
Health Lab
Avoiding norovirus, the incredibly contagious stomach flu
The stomach virus, suppressed during the pandemic, rears its ugly head.
brain food puzzle ear no smoking sign
Health Lab
10 ways to reduce your risk of dementia
Learn how to take care of your brain health from two experienced neurologists who share practical tips to maintain healthy brain habits throughout your lifespan.