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doctor in white coat with dark blue scrubs touching hand of patient in grey sweater and baseball cap in exam room
Health Lab
Neuropathy common, and mostly undiagnosed, among patients in this Michigan city
A research team, led by Michigan Medicine and in partnership with Hurley Medical Center, finds that nearly three-quarters of patients at a clinic in Flint, Mich., a community that is predominantly Black and socioeconomically disadvantaged, had neuropathy — of which 75% was undiagnosed.
Xray of a stem cell in a mouse brain.
Health Lab
Stem cells improve memory, reduce inflammation in Alzheimer’s mouse brains
Researchers improved memory and reduced neuroinflammation in a mouse model of Alzheimer’s Disease, suggesting another avenue for potential treatment.
Photo of a cluttered, messy garage
Health Lab
Chemicals stored in home garages linked to ALS risk
A Michigan Medicine study finds that storing chemicals in a garage at home may associate with an increased risk of ALS.
illustration of man sleeping in bed with CPAP machine on
Health Lab
Free sleep clinic addresses disparities in treatment of sleep disorders
New sleep medicine service aims to combat sleep disorders and help reduce poor health outcomes for people without health insurance.
red hair woman looking at screen of computer in white coat
Health Lab
What's the impact of predictive AI in the health care setting?
Models built on machine learning in health care can be victims of their own success, according to researchers at the Icahn School of Medicine and the University of Michigan.
man sleeping reaching to shut off blue and white alarm clock
Health Lab
Why we should abolish Daylight Saving Time
A sleep neurologist explains the science.