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Showing 1-15 of 31 results
vines all over growing out of purple woman drawing pink background calendar up and pad on right. calendar says the normal menstrual cycle typically lasts for less than 7 days and occurs every 21 to 35 days. the average woman loses about 2-3 tablespoons of blood during her period. pad says the typical cost the menstrual hygiene products is $7 to $10 per month, which adds up to between $3,360 and $4,800 over the course of a life time
Health Lab
Addressing disparities in abnormal menstrual bleeding and anemia
A large grant for Michigan Medicine will launch important research to improve the screening and treatment for a gynecologic disorder that disproportionately impacts Black and Hispanic populations
child on comp screen dark room with teddy bar blonde hair
Health Lab
Children often exposed to problematic clickbait during YouTube searches
On YouTube, the content recommended to kids isn’t always age appropriate, a Michigan Medicine study finds.
mom smiling with 3 kids
Health Lab
Adolescents with heart disease learn resilience skills, connect with peers through unique program
Youth with heart disease enrolled in unique program that teaches resilience and builds connections with their peers
dad on left, mom sitting next to son all talking smiling
Health Lab
How you can teach your kids to stay safe in the sun
A melanoma survivor shares facts and tips about preventing all types of skin cancer.
The Fundamentals Podcast Hero Card Final 1800 x 1350
The Fundamentals
If they don't give up, how can I give up?
Today on The Fundamentals is Dr. Maria Castro, the R.C. Schneider collegiate professor of neurosurgery, and a professor of cell and developmental biology at the University of Michigan Medical School. Her research program aims to develop immunotherapies for primary and metastatic brain cancer, studying basic immune biology mechanisms leading to clinical implementation. She has been inducted into the American Association for the Advancement of Sciences, the Latin American Academy of Sciences, and the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering College of Fellows. She has won numerous awards for her contributions to basic science and cancer research and is a diversity ambassador for the Cancer Biology Graduate Training Program. You can learn more about Dr. Castro here, and you can follow her @castro2355_mg, the Rogel Cancer Center @UMRogelCancer, the department of neurosurgery @umichneuro, Michigan Neurscience Institute @UM_MNI and the department of cell and developmental biology @UMCDB on X
University Hospital, University of Michigan Health
Medical School News
Six receive Graduate Medical Education Awards for 2024
Four faculty and two staff members from the departments of Anesthesiology, Neurology, Radiology and Surgery, and the Office of Graduate Medical Education (GME), are recipients of GME Awards for 2024
Illustration of shoe without its sole and cuts and germs all over the bottom of the foot
Health Lab
No, you shouldn’t be going barefoot in public
Tik Tok trend of going barefoot in public is a bad idea according to podiatrists
Department News
New Epigenomic Metabolic Medicine Center to speed understanding of genes and disease
The new Epigenomic Metabolic Medicine center (EM2C) will contribute to understanding how genetic variations contribute to common, complex diseases such as diabetes
Scale pictured behind a hospital room curtain
Health Lab
Obesity care can make a big difference, but few get it, study suggests
Obesity care under a health care provider’s supervision, whether through nutrition counseling, medication, meal replacement or bariatric surgery, can help people with high BMI, but many don’t receive it.
Animated illustration of weight loss drug container with a heart
Health Lab
Should heart patients consider taking weight loss medications?
Cardiologist shares how weight loss medications may impact cardiovascular health.
Image of woman with scientific objects, focusing on insulin resistance
Health Lab
Large genetic study reveals causes for insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome
Study uncovers genetic components of insulin resistance.
Scott Soleimanpour, M.D., sits in front of a computer screen picturing beta cells
Health Lab
Unraveling the secrets behind beta cells
One diabetes program is moving to revolutionize investigations and treatment in the field
woman hugging patient in exam room
Health Lab
A unique patient case inspiring research
Mallory Mattison serves as the inspiration behind critical medical research that’s supporting other patients like her with lipodystrophy syndromes
cancer cell blue yellow
Health Lab
Treating prostate cancer without major side effects
Recently approved by the Food and Drug Administration, Pluvicto is a radionuclide-labelled drug administered to patients showing promising results.