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Illustration of red blood cells and bacteria in the bloodstream
Health Lab
New device can treat injury from sepsis
The FDA approved the use of a therapeutic device invented and developed at the University of Michigan for use in children with acute kidney injury and sepsis or a septic condition requiring continuous kidney replacement therapy.
Health care provider loads syringe with measles vaccine
Health Lab
Measles: 10 things to know about immunization and prevention
Measles: 10 things to know about immunization and prevention
Paxlovid pill green Covid medicine
Health Lab
A how-to guide to COVID treatments
A Michigan Medicine FAQ about Paxlovid, with new information since its FDA approval in May 2023.
child in emergency room hospital bed with teddy bear
Health Lab
The ‘tripledemic’ surge
Focusing on the ‘tripledemic’ of RSV, flu and COVID-19 infections that occurred last year, their results underscore the importance of all types of hospital emergency departments being prepared to care for sick children, especially when health systems become strained.
Woman covered with a red and white print blanket laying on a sofa.
Health Lab
‘Tis the season to get vaccinated: How to stay healthy through the holidays
Winter surges in infectious diseases can ruin holidays, but vaccination against COVID-19, flu, RSV, whooping cough and pneumonia can help.
sketched out bacteria in a dish yellow and blue colors of U-M
Health Lab
This gross mixture has big benefits for the study of bacteria
Michigan Medicine researchers have found that growing bacteria on agar mixed with organs is an efficient and effective way to study infectious pathogens.
daycare kids running around in room
Health Lab
Child care centers aren’t a likely source of COVID-19 spread, study says
Research published from experts at Michigan Medicine, the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, and UPMC Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh shows that children in daycare centers were not significant spreaders of COVID-19
Syringes in a row on yellow backfround
Health Lab
New COVID-19 vaccine a good value for U.S., U-M team finds
A cost effectiveness analysis of the updated COVID-19 vaccine shows that it will save money in older adults and give good value for other adults.
Health Lab Podcast in brackets with a background with a dark blue translucent layers over cells
Health Lab Podcast
Can We Slow Age-Related Hearing Loss?
Study suggests that the overexpression of cochlear neurotrophin-3 can help prevent the loss of hearing.
Health Lab
Ringing in the Ears: Where is That Sound Coming From?
A U-M expert in tinnitus, or ringing in the ears, discusses progress made in resolving the common problem.