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Health Lab Podcast in brackets with a background with a dark blue translucent layers over cells
Health Lab Podcast
Breakthroughs in Personalized Medicine for Rare Kidney Disease
The NEPTUNE match study builds kidney atlas.
black patient in a doctor's office, with caregiver who has hand placed on his shoulder
Health Lab
Want to cut U.S. heart risks? Get more people into primary care, study suggests
Most people with risk factors for cardiovascular disease – what are sometimes called the Essential Eight – are managed by primary care clinics, or haven’t seen any provider recently
heart organ yellow blue
Health Lab
Around 10% of deaths from coronary stenting, balloon angioplasty are preventable
Around 10% of all deaths following percutaneous coronary intervention are potentially preventable, a study led by Michigan Medicine finds.
Animated illustration of weight loss drug container with a heart
Health Lab
Should heart patients consider taking weight loss medications?
Cardiologist shares how weight loss medications may impact cardiovascular health.
Health Lab
Massive international study uncovers genes involved in heart disease
Scientists link dozens of new genome sites to coronary artery disease risk and pioneer a powerful method for illuminating the biological roots of common disease.
Health Lab Podcast in brackets with a background with a dark blue translucent layers over cells
Health Lab Podcast
Can We Slow Age-Related Hearing Loss?
Study suggests that the overexpression of cochlear neurotrophin-3 can help prevent the loss of hearing.
Health Lab
Ringing in the Ears: Where is That Sound Coming From?
A U-M expert in tinnitus, or ringing in the ears, discusses progress made in resolving the common problem.