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Showing 136-140 of 140 results
Minding Memory with a microphone and a shadow of a microphone on a blue background
Minding Memory
What are the Different Types of Dementia? A Primer for those of us who aren’t Healthcare Clinicians
Often research studies consider dementia as either present or absent, while others specify particular types of dementia. For example, what exactly is frontotemporal dementia? In this episode, we talk with Dr. Henry (Hank) Paulson, who directs the Michigan Alzheimer’s Disease Center, to introduce listeners to the most common types of dementia and hear about some of their defining features. For those of you without clinical backgrounds, consider this your crash course on the types of dementia.
medical professional in scrubs at cart montior
Health Lab
Better Balance, Speech and Hearing: What You Need to Know
Audiologists can help with more than your hearing; they can also help with better speech and balance for children and adults.
Health Lab
39% of Americans More Anxious Today Than This Time Last Year
Although anxiety is rising across all age groups and demographic categories, there are notable distinctions among certain groups.
Health Lab
Alzheimer’s Disease vs. Dementia: What’s the Difference?
What's the difference between dementia and Alzheimer's disease? Discover key differences between two from the Michigan Alzheimer's Disease Center.
Health Lab
Setting a Trap to Treat Stroke
University of Michigan professor discusses a highly effective stroke treatment that uses a tiny trap wire to remove a blood clots from the brain.