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Showing 16-20 of 20 results
Person tying shoes on floor
Health Lab
Different pain types in multiple sclerosis can cause difficulty staying active
Chronic pain can present in multiple forms for multiple sclerosis patients. Some forms make it harder to stay active than others.
Text: 20+ top-ranked residency programs at the U-M Medical School. Image: Michigan Medicine logo with maize-colored M.
News Release
13 U-M graduate medical education programs ranked in the top 10 by Doximity
There are 13 U-M graduate medical education programs ranked in the top 10 by Doximity.
prescription pad yellow blue
Health Lab
Cerebral palsy patients at higher risk of receiving opioid prescriptions
Cerebral palsy patients at higher risk of being prescribed opioids for pain, even though Michigan Medicine researchers find them to not be effective for their unique pain issues.
man in several activities winter hat and jackets on
Health Lab
Using neuropsychology to heal from cancer treatment
Using neuropsychology to heal from cancer treatment: A multidisciplinary clinic uses this method to help patients after oncology treatments
Baby sitting on chair smiling with purple background and props
Health Lab
Helping the most medically complex infants navigate care
For Lena Long, the Little Victors League has been ‘invaluable’ as her family works through managing her health