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Showing 16-30 of 50 results
cancer cell blue yellow
Health Lab
Treating prostate cancer without major side effects
Recently approved by the Food and Drug Administration, Pluvicto is a radionuclide-labelled drug administered to patients showing promising results.
Health Lab
Parents’ top resolutions: More patience, less time on phones
6 ways families can make resolutions stick
woman listening to different shadow windows of people saying different things about kids
Health Lab
Parents of young kids increasingly turn to social media for parenting advice
A C.S. Mott Children's Hospital health poll found most mothers and over two-thirds of fathers of children ages 0-4 use social media for questions on topics like feeding and behavior challenges.
pink blue orange coloring woman looking at toilet, a calendar, a woman drinking purple drink, pink pills
Health Lab
Do your UTIs keep returning?
A Michigan Medicine urogynecologist discusses what urinary tract infections are, how they are treated and what new research is on the horizon.
mom child and doctor smiling by tree
Health Lab
A diabetes device that makes a lot of “Sense”
Living with diabetes at such a young age comes with challenges, but those challenges have inspired Jackson, now 8 years old, to come up with ways for people like him to live a little easier with a new device called "SensePod".
human organ for transplant
Health Lab
Findings shed light on how a pediatric heart surgery complication impacts heart transplant survival
Patients who experience this condition following the Fontan continue to have a high risk of death from the time they’re waitlisted for a new heart through receiving the transplant, according to a 20-center study led by Michigan Medicine. And one specific complication called cyanosis – or experiencing less than normal oxygen blood levels – was associated with worsened survival.
daycare kids running around in room
Health Lab
Child care centers aren’t a likely source of COVID-19 spread, study says
Research published from experts at Michigan Medicine, the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, and UPMC Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh shows that children in daycare centers were not significant spreaders of COVID-19
Chlld holding vape container parent coming into room
Health Lab
E-cigarette exposure on the rise in young children: 6 things parents should know
Pediatrician: Just a few drops of liquid nicotine can be lethal in a toddler
Multicolored pill bars graph chart
Health Lab
Dental opioid prescriptions still declining, but not as quickly as pre-pandemic
Dental pain treatment with opioid painkillers like Oxycontin and Oxycodone declined before and during the pandemic but the rate of decline slowed after 2020.
SOS in the brain red words and blue drawing of a side face and brown background
Health Lab
What school staff should know about seizure first aid
When it comes to seizure first aid for students with epilepsy, it's essential for school staff to be prepared. Learn the signs of a seizure and what actions you can take to provide immediate assistance.
Health Lab
Prescription drugs too costly? Changing your health plan could save money
For people with expensive prescription drugs, switching plans could save them thousands of dollars in copays. And a simple tool can help people easily compare out-of-pockets expenses for anyone with a Medicare Part D prescription plan.
script on rx
Health Lab
Opioid limits didn’t change surgery patients’ experience, study shows
Surgical opioid prescription limits reduced the number of narcotic pills patients received after their operations, but didn’t lead to worse pain scores or less satisfaction.
image of people in green yellow pale blue and pink getting vaccines and out and about
Health Lab
Vaccines: A few minutes now could spare you misery later
Adults, especially people over 50, should get immunized against COVID-19, flu and other infections, to prevent fall and winter illness, hospitalization and worse
Health Lab
"Drawing Dad" becomes sensation throughout pediatric cancer unit
A form of art therapy for one dad brings joy to patients across his child's floor, also in-patient receiving treatments.
doctor checking heart on patient
Health Lab
Leading experts release new guidelines to improve congenital heart surgery care for children
For the first time in more than 20 years, dozens of pediatric cardiologists, surgeons and other health professionals have come together to develop new guidelines intended to improve heart surgery care for this population of children and teens.