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Showing 76-90 of 118 results
person pregnant with clock spinning over them in yellow purple background person in red pants pink shortsleeve shirt
Health Lab
Labor induction doesn’t always reduce caesarean birth risk or improve outcomes for term pregnancies
A new study suggests that inducing labor at 39 weeks for low-risk pregnancies may not reduce the risk of C-sections or improve outcomes.
woman glasses smiling vr headseat
Health Lab
How a clinical simulation is helping to diversify careers in medicine
A specialized Michigan Medicine event for historically marginalized and underrepresented medical students comes with ‘astounding’ results, a published academic paper finds.
Kelly Ripa women's health luncheon fundraiser 2023
News Release
Kelly Ripa to be special guest at Michigan Medicine Women’s Health Luncheon
Michigan Medicine’s efforts to advance leading edge women’s health research will get a boost from actress and Daytime Emmy Award winning host of LIVE with Kelly and Mark, Kelly Ripa.
tourniquet for ukraine graphic
Health Lab
“Turn-I-Kits” for Ukraine
The Weil Institute and Precision Trauma have now created and donated Turn-I-Kits to Ukraine, which meet all the requirements of standard military-issue tourniquets and are fit to be used in hospitals or at various levels of care on the battlefield.
map of the united states rate of life threatening childbirth complications by state
Health Lab
Life-threatening birth experiences among Medicaid enrollees vary widely by state and race-ethnicity
Research finds life-threatening birth experiences among Medicaid enrollees vary widely by state and race-ethnicity.
pregnant women 3 blue and yellow background
Health Lab
Income affects maternal and infant health in somewhat unexpected ways
While higher income improves maternal and infant health over time, it’s not enough to offset the impact of race, according to new research. In addition, although higher-income mothers and their babies ultimately end up with better health outcomes, they actually start out with more difficulties. And regardless of wealth, maternal and infant health in the United States lags behind Sweden.
News Release
It’s a match: Graduating U-M medical students discover what’s next at Match Day
It’s a match: Graduating U-M medical students discover what’s next at Match Day
girl in yellow dress raising hands at podium
Health Lab
First-year residents reflect on their journeys and offer advice for Match Day
On Match Day, several recent medical school graduates recount their first years as working physicians.
nurses from 1918 wearing masks in hospitals standing together black and white photo
Health Lab
History saved lives in this pandemic. Will society listen next time?
The success of efforts to “flatten the curve” in the COVID-19 pandemic relied on University of Michigan research on the 1918 influenza pandemic.
Health Lab Podcast in brackets with a background with a dark blue translucent layers over cells
Health Lab Podcast
Is Vitamin D Important?
Vitamin D has been touted as a supplement that can prevent or treat all kinds of medical conditions. But further research has revealed that Vitamin D isn’t quite the cure-all it was thought to be
Women holding their stomachs
Health Lab
Uncovering drivers of racial disparities in uterine fibroids and endometriosis
Researchers examine health disparities in two of the most prevalent diseases in reproductive-aged women through a social, structural and political lens
medical doctor smiling glasses brown hair
Health Lab
Medical student tackles cystic fibrosis on a global scale
A medical student advocates for better cystic fibrosis awareness with help from the Clinton Foundation.
Department News
Dr. Lisa Harris Named a Thurnau Professor
Dr. Lisa Harris is one of five University of Michigan faculty named a Thurnau Professor, a recognition of her outstanding contributions to undergraduate education.
News Release
Lisa H. Harris, M.D., Ph.D., named Thurnau Professor; second-ever from UMMS
Lisa H. Harris, M.D., Ph.D., named Thurnau Professor; second-ever from UMMS
Women in science collage
Health Lab
Scientists explain their passion, offer advice
Early career researchers describe their professional journeys to help inspire women and girls pursue careers in science