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Showing 31-45 of 118 results
Dee Fenner, M.D.
Department News
Dr. Fenner Awarded Inaugural Bucksbaum Institute Award for Clinical Excellence
Dr. Fenner was selected for her unmatched clinical care and ability to form trustful and lasting relationships with her patients.
Health Lab Podcast in brackets with a background with a dark blue translucent layers over cells
Health Lab Podcast
Access to Plan B coincides with a drastic decrease in emergency contraception-related ER visits, study shows
U.S. emergency departments see 96% fewer visits, $7.6 million less in medical costs after FDA approval of over the counter emergency contraception.
Timothy Blackwell, M.D.
News Release
Timothy S. Blackwell, M.D., named the chair of U-M Department of Internal Medicine
Lung disease specialist comes to Michigan from Vanderbilt University School of Medicine to lead largest department
Illustration of a doctor and patient looking at ultrasound
Health Lab
Novel device detects cervix “ripening” to predict normal and abnormal labor
Multi-specialty team is studying a non-invasive method to measure underlying cervical tissue changes that precede birth with the hopes of predicting timing of birth.
NIH rankings FFY23
News Release
U-M Medical School sees significant growth in NIH research awards and ranking
Based on recent federal fiscal year data released by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the largest single funder of biomedical research in the world, the U-M Medical School is ranked number 11 in the country, up from 13 in federal fiscal year 2022.
Illustration of Plan B contraceptive in the palm of a hand
Health Lab
Emergency contraception related ER visits dropped significantly over 14 year period
After federal approval for over the counter emergency contraception in 2006, emergency departments across the U.S. saw dramatic decreases in related visits.
pregnancy blue yellow
Health Lab
Gaps seen in stillbirth bereavement care among U.S. hospitals
American hospitals vary greatly in what they offer to birthing parents when a stillbirth occurs during labor or delivery.
person with pink shirt blue background pregnant
Health Lab
Transgender people show similar pregnancy outcomes to cisgender people
A Michigan Medicine-led study found that transgender individuals show similar rates of severe parental morbidity and preterm birth and lower rates of cesarean delivery when compared to cisgender people.
Minding Memory with a microphone and a shadow of a microphone on a blue background
Minding Memory
Identifying Dementia from EHR Data
In 2009, the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act, wow, that's a mouthful, more commonly known as the HITECH Act, spent billions to promote the uptake of electronic health records by US hospitals. Fast forward more than a decade later, and now approximately four out of five healthcare institutions have electronic health record systems in place that integrate clinical notes, test results, medications, diagnostic images, et cetera. The adoption of EHR systems into healthcare introduces new and exciting opportunities to extract information that can be used to augment other types of data for research. As you might imagine though, it can be tricky to pull out meaningful information from the text of clinical notes. In this episode, we'll speak with a University of Michigan researcher, Dr. Vinod Vydiswaran, who's been developing methods to identify dementia from EHR data.
mother holding hand
Health Lab
Preterm birth predicted using new approach for harmonizing diverse microbiome data
A team developed a new approach for combining microbiome data together while overcoming the noise introduced by the different techniques used in each study into a tool they dubbed MaLiAmPi (Maximum Likelihood Amplicon Pipeline).
Brain image highlighting areas
Health Lab
Nearly 30% of caregivers for severe stroke survivors experience psychological distress
Post-traumatic stress worse among Mexican American caregivers compared to white caregivers.
Raj smile park doctor Mangrulkar
Health Lab
Michigan Medicine doctor gains new perspective as a stroke patient
Experience gave him a new appreciation for interprofessional patient care
Health Lab Podcast in brackets with a background with a dark blue translucent layers over cells
Health Lab Podcast
A smart watch that could help your heart
The device would be the first clinical-grade, diagnostic wrist-worn device for long term Afib monitoring. Visit Health Lab to read the full story.
Aerial view of student and teacher in medical setting
News Release
University of Michigan Health recognized as a 2023 Leapfrog Top Teaching Hospital
University of Michigan Health recognized as a 2023 Leapfrog Top Teaching Hospital
pink blue orange coloring woman looking at toilet, a calendar, a woman drinking purple drink, pink pills
Health Lab
Do your UTIs keep returning?
A Michigan Medicine urogynecologist discusses what urinary tract infections are, how they are treated and what new research is on the horizon.