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Showing 1-15 of 29 results
man in black polo folded arms smiling no teeth bright orange background
Health Lab
Comedy and medicine
An ophthalmologist and beloved comedian shares his thoughts on the field to aspiring clinicians.
Health Lab
How to protect your eyes during the total solar eclipse
A Michigan Medicine ophthalmologist and retinal surgeon shares advice for viewing the total solar eclipse safely, including what to look for in eye protection.
colorful drawing of people figures dark background
Health Lab
Everyone plays a role in improving cancer health equity
As guest editor for a themed journal issue, Lori Pierce helps highlight the multiple factors that can make cancer care and prevention more equitable and reduce the burden of this disease for all
covid cell blue yellow sketched graphic
Health Lab
Sickle cell raises COVID risk, but vaccination lags
Vaccination against the coronavirus was much lower in adults and children with sickle cell disease despite a higher risk of severe COVID-19.
patient end of bed in hospital looking out window with stuffed animal on bed
Health Lab
Studying cells to improve medulloblastoma treatment
Research from Michigan Medicine experts is shedding light and potentially expanding options for patients living with an aggressive childhood cancer.
blood cells floating red maroon
Health Lab
Most babies with sickle cell disease face double disadvantage
Babies born with sickle cell disease face social inequality as well as a lifelong chronic disease that is often undertreated with proven drugs.
woman in hospital on left in ICU and the other right side woman standing in jean jacket and black clothes smiling
Health Lab
Brain tumor and car crash survivor aspires to be example for others living with disabilities
A car accident at age 20 left Sahar Mashhour in the intensive care unit for three months. Almost six years later, Mashhour is still pursuing her passions proving that her disability doesn’t limit her ability, but instead helps her see life through a different lens.
prescription pad blue yellow
Health Lab
Medication found safe and effective for preventing bleeding in infants with hemophilia A
Infants with hemophilia A who received monoclonal antibody emicizumab experienced few bleeding events and no serious complications, a study suggests.
green blue map of michigan
Health Lab
How does exposure to ‘forever chemicals’ impact your cancer risk
Pearce, professor of epidemiology at the School of Public Health and co-lead of Rogel’s cancer control and population sciences program, reflects on the project and why bringing this study to Michigan is so critical.
A family discussing their family's medical history at Thanksgiving
Health Lab
Why you need to discuss your family health history at Thanksgiving
The holidays are a great time to discuss your family's medical history. Learn the importance of discussing your family's health history & how to bring it up.
older person pouring pills into hand close up
Health Lab
Early findings suggest this cancer drug may be effective against advanced tumors caused by genetic mutations
Sparrow Health System, part of University of Michigan Health, experts release findings in a study of a cancer drug for patients with genetic mutations.
Health Lab
Hungry for more
Metabolism pathways make tumors sensitive or resistant to treatments. A collaborative group leverages these avenues to explore the growing foundation of new potential therapies
cancer cell
Health Lab
Language barriers in cancer care
Research from experts at Michigan Medicine shows that significant language-based disparities exist in patients’ access to cancer care services, and it’s well before their first appointment with a doctor. 
eye exam
Health Lab
Few children – especially those with safety-net insurance – get vision checked at checkups
Few children are getting eyes checked at their pediatrician or other regular doctor’s office, and rates vary greatly by insurance status.
egg splat microwave
Health Lab
“Eggsplosions” and eyes don’t mix 
The social media trend  involving microwaving hard boiled eggs, then slicing them to explode, can be dangerous to your eyes experts say.