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Showing 61-75 of 147 results
woman older with provider
Health Lab
Should older adults, with fewer years to live, keep getting cancer screenings?
Cancer screening guidelines increasingly factor in how long a person has left to live, to guide whether to continue or stop screening. A new poll explores older adults’ attitudes toward this approach.
teacher teaching students with windows all around on laptops
Health Lab
A training ground for healthcare innovators
Advanced programs in healthcare equip doctors, nurses, and others with the skills and knowledge needed for successful careers in health. Explore how Michigan’s Clinician Scholars Program can empower healthcare innovators across different disciplines and enhance medical education.
watch on hand
Health Lab
Tailored text messages not enough to improve mobility after heart issues
A Michigan Medicine report shows that adding a mobile health application to such devices yields mixed results. Tailored text messages to encourage high-risk people to move more may improve some short-term outcomes but doesn’t always improve physical activity levels for everyone.
stethoscope in gun outline
Health Lab
Many primary care providers and patients wary of discussing firearms
Screening primary care patients for gun ownership has been recommended especially for people with mental health issues. A Michigan Medicinestudy shows wariness by providers and patients.
bacteria black background yellow cell
Health Lab
The surprising origin of a deadly hospital infection
Surprising findings from a Michigan Medicine study in Nature Medicine suggest that the burden of C. diff infection may be less a matter of hospital transmission and more a result of characteristics associated with the patients themselves.
Health Lab
Pulmonary embolism deaths, disparities high despite advancements in care
Despite these innovations, a Michigan Medicine study finds that the death rate for pulmonary embolism remains high and unchanged in recent years – more often killing men, Black patients and those from rural areas. The results are published in the Annals of the American Thoracic Society.
cartoon figures getting scans grey white maroon
Health Lab
Cancer screenings have saved the U.S. at least $6.5 trillion
Mammograms, Pap tests, colonoscopies and lung CT scans have the power to detect cancer early and save lives – a new study tallies up the savings in both years and dollars.
Health Lab
Chronic pain patients who take opioids need better care and coverage
People with chronic pain who take opioids have trouble finding multimodal pain care; insurance and provider education changes are needed, experts say