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Showing 31-42 of 42 results
Health Lab
Health policy needs data. How can researchers help?
Tips and advice for translating health research findings into relevant, timely and compelling information
Scientist Hand Holding Laptop Data skeleton diagram blue background
Health Lab
Predictive analytic tool proves adaptable and reliable in hospitals
Michigan Medicine study shows model that predicts patient deterioration defies traditional challenges.
holding baby in hands pink shirt
Health Lab
Study shows racial inequities in newborn drug testing
In a new study, newborn drug testing inequities remained similar after recreational legalization of cannabis, overall test positivity rates for THC increased
vitamin d pills
Health Lab
What vitamin D can — and can’t — do for you
Supplement expert and U-M Health Jenkins/Pokempner Director of Alternative Medicine Mark Moyad explains what vitamin D can – and can’t – do for you.
Health Lab Podcast in brackets with a background with a dark blue translucent layers over cells
Health Lab Podcast
Is Vitamin D Important?
Vitamin D has been touted as a supplement that can prevent or treat all kinds of medical conditions. But further research has revealed that Vitamin D isn’t quite the cure-all it was thought to be
hand holding older hand over blanket
Health Lab
What experts wish more people knew about hospice and other end-of-life care
Hospice, palliative care, end-of-life decisions, long-term care insurance and durable power of attorney are all things people with serious health issues should think about.
colorful pills falling in a line
Health Lab
For COVID-19, do supplements help?
An expert cautions about becoming too enamored with pills.
substance use treatment map usa substance use treatment facilities not providing services in sign language <20.0% 20.0%-29.9% 30.0%-39.9% 40%-49.9%
Health Lab
Mental health, substance abuse treatment facilities don't provide communication access to Deaf, Hard of Hearing patients
These services, researchers found, were largely inaccessible to people who use sign language, discriminating against already ‘severely marginalized’ population in the United States.
Health Lab Podcast in brackets with a background with a dark blue translucent layers over cells
Health Lab Podcast
Gen Z Wants to Talk About Social Determinants of Health With Their Providers
A poll shows strong support for clinics’ efforts to screen for, and providing support for, social determinants of health.
medical professional in scrubs at cart montior
Health Lab
Better Balance, Speech and Hearing: What You Need to Know
Audiologists can help with more than your hearing; they can also help with better speech and balance for children and adults.
Health Lab
The Alternative to a Doctor’s Office Visit Gains in Popularity During Pandemic
Experts bring virtual care to a diverse range of patients in need.
Health Lab
Mobile Clinic Gives Free Prenatal Services to Detroit Moms
The Luke Clinic brings free prenatal and obstetric services to individuals in need.