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Showing 16-30 of 73 results
Research News
U-M team to study impact of reproductive health policy changes on women's mental health
A team led by Vanessa Dalton, MD, MPH, and Kara Zivin, PhD, has received a $3 million grant from the National Institute of Mental Health to study the mental health impacts of recent changes in reproductive health policy.
Mom at table with baby, working on calculator with stressed out first expression
Health Lab
Medicaid eligibility during pandemic led to increased postpartum coverage, study suggests
Medicaid eligibility during pandemic led to increased postpartum coverage, study suggests
Ability For Life Website Landing Page
Department News
New Website for Adolescents with Disabilities to Learn about Reproductive Health
New website to help adolescents with disabilities learn about reproductive health.
Dee Fenner, M.D.
Department News
Dr. Fenner Awarded Inaugural Bucksbaum Institute Award for Clinical Excellence
Dr. Fenner was selected for her unmatched clinical care and ability to form trustful and lasting relationships with her patients.
Health Lab Podcast in brackets with a background with a dark blue translucent layers over cells
Health Lab Podcast
Access to Plan B coincides with a drastic decrease in emergency contraception-related ER visits, study shows
U.S. emergency departments see 96% fewer visits, $7.6 million less in medical costs after FDA approval of over the counter emergency contraception.
Illustration of a doctor and patient looking at ultrasound
Health Lab
Novel device detects cervix “ripening” to predict normal and abnormal labor
Multi-specialty team is studying a non-invasive method to measure underlying cervical tissue changes that precede birth with the hopes of predicting timing of birth.
weil institute
News Release
U-M Team receives NIH grant for collaborative research to speed ARDS diagnosis
Through a $4.17M NIH grant, a team of biomedical engineers, medical clinicians and data scientists from the Max Harry Weil Institute for Critical Care Research and Innovation is collaboratively researching ways to develop a portable, non-invasive breathalyzer-type device and corresponding algorithm to quickly and accurately diagnose acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS).
Illustration of Plan B contraceptive in the palm of a hand
Health Lab
Emergency contraception related ER visits dropped significantly over 14 year period
After federal approval for over the counter emergency contraception in 2006, emergency departments across the U.S. saw dramatic decreases in related visits.
pregnancy blue yellow
Health Lab
Gaps seen in stillbirth bereavement care among U.S. hospitals
American hospitals vary greatly in what they offer to birthing parents when a stillbirth occurs during labor or delivery.
person with pink shirt blue background pregnant
Health Lab
Transgender people show similar pregnancy outcomes to cisgender people
A Michigan Medicine-led study found that transgender individuals show similar rates of severe parental morbidity and preterm birth and lower rates of cesarean delivery when compared to cisgender people.
mother holding hand
Health Lab
Preterm birth predicted using new approach for harmonizing diverse microbiome data
A team developed a new approach for combining microbiome data together while overcoming the noise introduced by the different techniques used in each study into a tool they dubbed MaLiAmPi (Maximum Likelihood Amplicon Pipeline).
Brain image highlighting areas
Health Lab
Nearly 30% of caregivers for severe stroke survivors experience psychological distress
Post-traumatic stress worse among Mexican American caregivers compared to white caregivers.
Raj smile park doctor Mangrulkar
Health Lab
Michigan Medicine doctor gains new perspective as a stroke patient
Experience gave him a new appreciation for interprofessional patient care
man at event photographing and then on right in wheelchair at UM
Health Lab
Heart attack at Michigan-Ohio State game ends in win for Ohio photographer
An Ohio-based sports photographer is recovering safely at home — and feeling somewhat victorious, despite the Buckeye loss — after having a heart attack at the conclusion of the Michigan-Ohio game.
child in emergency room hospital bed with teddy bear
Health Lab
The ‘tripledemic’ surge
Focusing on the ‘tripledemic’ of RSV, flu and COVID-19 infections that occurred last year, their results underscore the importance of all types of hospital emergency departments being prepared to care for sick children, especially when health systems become strained.