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Showing 16-23 of 23 results
mom child and doctor smiling by tree
Health Lab
A diabetes device that makes a lot of “Sense”
Living with diabetes at such a young age comes with challenges, but those challenges have inspired Jackson, now 8 years old, to come up with ways for people like him to live a little easier with a new device called "SensePod".
Department News
Rajan P. Nair, PhD Retires
Rajan P. Nair, PhD Retires from the University of Michigan's Department of Dermatology.
Text: 20+ top-ranked residency programs at the U-M Medical School. Image: Michigan Medicine logo with maize-colored M.
News Release
13 U-M graduate medical education programs ranked in the top 10 by Doximity
There are 13 U-M graduate medical education programs ranked in the top 10 by Doximity.
Department News
U-M Dermatology Residency Class of 2023
University of Michigan Dermatology Residency Class of 2023.
Department News
U-M Dermatology Outreach at AMEC 2023 SNMA
University of Michigan Dermatology Outreach at AMEC 2023 SNMA.
Department News
Dermatology Residency Match - 2023
Michigan Medicine Dermatology Residency Match 2023.
Department News
Dr. Johann Gudjonsson Named AAAS Fellow
Dr. Johann Gudjonsson at the University of Michigan Named AAAS Fellow.
News Release
17 U-M faculty members named 2022 AAAS Fellows
The American Association for the Advancement of Science elected 17 University of Michigan faculty and staff members as 2022 Fellows.